Friday, August 16, 2013

Two of my Favorite Things

I thought I would share with you a couple
of my favorite things in my whole house!
A few years ago Lindsey and I were
antiquing in a small town when we
spotted these hanging way up high.

We had the antique store owner get
them down for us.  Their delicate
beauty was irresistable!
They became even more
desirable to us when we discovered
that they were actually original works
of art!
On the back is the name of the
lady who drew them and the young
lady they were gifted to.
Unfortunately, they did not date
them.  I would guess they are from
the '20's.
It always warms my heart when
I pass by and look at them.

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of
power and of love and of a sound mind." - 2 Timothy 1:7
Have a beautiful day!

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  1. Oh, I love them so much. What a wonderful gift that person got.
    I'm glad you found them.

  2. Beautiful:) What a sweet find! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  3. These are beautiful! I love things historical--do you think and wonder about the homes they have been in before?

  4. They both were great buys, but I really like the first one.

  5. I bet the artist would be so thrilled to know you love them! ♥

  6. I'm so glad you got them. The artist was very talented wasn't she? Hope you're having a great weekend!

  7. Those are so beautiful!! So glad you both rescued them!! Have a wonderful weekend!! xo Heather

  8. Hi Twyla and Lindsey!
    Thanks so much for stoppin by. Your guys blogs always brighten and inspire my day. Since my last Shadow has had a horrible allergy attack and last week I dropped an oxygen tank on my foot and broke 3 toes. This Summer has really been a pain.

  9. Very pretty and how extra nice that they are originals!
    I hope you had a lovely day!


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