Monday, August 12, 2013

Barn Charm

There is more than one
barn here in this pretty little
barn yard in Lawerence County.
This working farm was tidy
as can be.  It was a real testament
to the owners.

You can find other great barns

"Therefore with joy you will draw water
From the wells of salvation." - Isaiah 12:3
Have a wonderful day!

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  1. Lovely find! Always good to see a well-kept farmyard.

  2. These barns are wonderful. And very special! I love how you composed your picture with a tall tree and a road. Beautiful scene!

  3. Love that group of barns:) I would like to see what's inside! Have a blessed day dear Twyla, HUGS!

  4. Lovely barns! I will have to go the link and take a peak! :) Happy Tuesday xo Holly

  5. Very nice farmyard, Twyla! Have a nice day and enjoy the cooler temps!

  6. This really is a pretty farm - very nice barns!

  7. Beautiful picture and I always so appreciate the Scripture. God bless, Twyla.

  8. I always like your barn shots and the fact that you include a Bible verse!

  9. I can't help but wonder how some people keep a place so neat...I love seeing a place like that though.

  10. This is definitely a place designed only for barns. They all look so lovely and they even have the same color of roofs and other exteriors. I wonder if the owner intended to make it look uniform? Anyway, looking at it, it looks to be in good shape. The owner certainly maintained well his/her beloved barns. Thanks for sharing!

    Mike Curcio @


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