Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Baby Planter Steamboat

Hello friends!
It's been a long time since I shared with
you one of my vintage finds!
I still visit antique malls all over Missouri
and frequently come home with treasures,
although, I don't buy as many as I used to!
My shelves are bursting!

I have a big collection of baby planters.  They are
just so cute and hard to resist!   The pastel colors
also appeal to me.  I haven't gotten a new one in
a long time, but when I spotted this one I was
smitten!  I love steamboats also and to find a
baby planter steamboat was just irresitable!!!

"The Lord is good, A stronghold in the day of trouble;
And He knows those who trust in Him." - Nahum 1:7
Have a beautiful day!

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  1. Oh my! I love these and have a few in my doll room but I've never seen a steam boat. There must not have been many of these made! What a fun find! Enjoy your week my friend! Sweet hugs!

  2. That is so sweet. I remember receiving flowers in one similar when my babies were born. Many years ago.

  3. Super sweet planter! Speaking of bursting shelves... It's been a while since we've had a peak at your craft room. How about it? :)

  4. I used to have so many of these cute little planters,but they are all gone now ,one of my many weeding binges :) I had the train to match your steamboat too,once upon a time. I'm heading back to the doctor tomorrow with a possible infection...I'm praying its not bad. Also my Boston Terrier,Duke died today :( I am so sad,but it was really an answer to my prayer. Blessings friend

  5. Oh, so very sweet and I love the pastel colors of the planters, too!! I look forward to having a collection of these one day soon! They are just too cute! Have a lovely night! xo Heather

  6. What an adorable planter - so many pretty little details!

  7. This one is just adorable! Great find, Twyla! xo

  8. This one is so cute! You certainly will be prepared with cute planters when your turn to host a baby shower comes up! :-) If you ever come up this direction on a weekend, let me know. I'd love to go antique shopping with you.

  9. Sooooo cute. Have a blessed day dear friend!!! Big hugs coming your way.

  10. that is adorable and musical besides. How wonderful and what a great find.
    So what song does it play; 'rock a bye baby' or maybe twinkle, twinkle little star.
    Would fit right in with my 300 plus music box collection.

  11. I love the vintage planters, too. So far, I have mostly lambs, but I do have a couple trains and an airplane for the little boys! Can't leave them out!

  12. Hi Twlya,
    Just a quick visit to say hello and how happy I am to visit your sweet blog again. I'll be back soon!
    Lisa and Alfie (who still wears his sweater from your btw!)


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