Thursday, June 13, 2013

Crochet - My Happy Craft!

Hello friends!
I wanted to show you how the
granny squares I've been working on are
coming along!
It certainly would make a beautiful baby
blanket or for a toddler bed.
I am so loving the colors and the 'sampler'
feel to it.  I am joining as I go, I really like that
method!  A couple more rows and a border,
then I'll show you the completed blanket!

Crochet is my Happy Craft.
It's how I've been choosing to spend my
creative time lately.  Fun color play and
yarn running through my fingers, oh, how
I love yarn! 
My stack of afghans is a visual expression of my joy!

"Create in me a clean heart, O God;
and renew a right spirit within me."
- Psalm 51:10
Have a beautiful day!

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  1. Very pretty, you have a very colourful collection of lovely blankets there! :)

  2. I love this design and the soft colors. I think crochet is a happy comfort thing to do and enjoy. You've got a beautiful collection. Happy hugs my friend!

  3. It's a very sweet baby afghan. I love your collection! It's all so pretty and happy!

  4. Color, color! Thank God for color! very pretty, Twyla! ♥

  5. Oh to have your talent. Very very pretty all of them!

  6. That is one of my favorite scriptures, Twyla. Your stack of afghans is so gorgeous. LOVE the way they all look together. All the pretty designs you make are such an inspirational to me. If only I was as good at it as you are.

  7. These are such beautiful little squares. I like the idea of joining as you go.

  8. I love the way it's turning out - and what a nice stack of afghans you have! Happy, indeed!

  9. You are so talented! I just love the colorful pile of afghans you made. Wow!

  10. So pretty! LOVE all of those beautiful colors:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  11. Hi....I just wanted to stop by to let you know of a GIVEAWAY being hosted by Koralee from Bluebird Notes blog to help celebrate the opening of my new Etsy shop: Daisy Pink Wish.......if you have the time please stop by.....we would love to see you enter!

  12. Really nice colors.....just beautiful !


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