Sunday, May 26, 2013

May 26

I hope you all have had a beautiful weekend!
It was nice here in Missouri!
I have finished sewing the blocks together on the
afghan I am doing for my friend.  I am in the
process of putting a border on it now.
I hope to have a finished picture to show
you tomorrow!
"Restore to me the joy of Your salvation,
And uphold me by Your generous Spirit." - Psalms 51:12
Have a nice day!

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  1. Can't wait to see your afghan, and thanks so much for the Scripture.

  2. Glad your weather is better. We have another week of lower temps and rain.

    I have a cold so I've been staying home- just crafting and doing as little work as possible. I'm hoping to feel a bit better today so I can get to the craft store! ♥

  3. Our weather has been beautiful too...sure hope it continues!

    Love that scripture!

  4. I really enjoy your blog! I so much want a craft room like yours. The childcraft furniture was a find!


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