Friday, May 24, 2013

May 24

May 24th and I'm still tootling right along,
doing a post a day!  I am enjoying it!
I may continue through June!
You may know by now that iris are my favorite
flower.  I saw some real beauties at our local
botanical garden.  I was fascinated with the brown
one (above).  It's called a Huckleberry Fudge iris!

Saturday, May 25th is my 34the wedding anniversary.
It's been a tough year for my husband.  He's had two
major surgeries this year and has just now gotten back
to work.  We'll go out for dinner, but no other special
plans.  If I'd known 34 years ago I would have never
gotten married on Memorial Day weekend!  We've always
ran into 'No Vacancy' at hotels, busy restuarants and long

"He is my shield" - II Samuel 22:3
Wishing you much happiness!

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  1. These irises are all so pretty, Twyla. Mine have already come and gone for the year, but I sure did enjoy them while they lasted.
    Congratulations on posting every day.
    Happy Anniversary to your and your hubby. So sorry to hear about his health challenges. I hope that he is now on the road to complete recovery.

  2. Happy anniversary, Twyla!
    I've enjoyed you posting every day, too! ♥

  3. A post a day - wow you are amazing! Happy Anniversary - congrats on 34 years Twyla. Love that last Iris!

  4. Happy Anniversary!
    Hoping that your hubby is doing much better and that you will have a nice dinner tonight!
    I also love iris! They smell so good. I have a small patch of them by the front door.


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