Monday, May 20, 2013

May 20

In my hometown, the founder's homestead has
been recreated.  It's called the Gray/Campbell
Farmstead.  They have moved the buildings to
a nearby park.  This is the barn.

This is a log cabin on the site.  It's a lovely place
to visit.  I had the pleasure of visiting Sunday afternoon.

"I will help thee" - Isaiah 41:10
Prayers for our neighbors in Oklahoma.
My heart is breaking for you.

For other charming barns, visit Tricia!

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  1. Looks like a place I would love to visit! Nice barn - I like the way the gray wood is almost shining in the sunshine.

  2. Very nice pictures and especially that little log cabin

  3. Beautiful little spot of history. :)

  4. I like that they were moved to a park. What a great way to enjoy a little history!

  5. It looks like a wonderful place to visit. I love the shape of the barn.

  6. Wonderful that they've saved the barn and cabin and moved them to a spot where they can be appreciated!

  7. Perfect little cabin...soo soo cute!

  8. It's truly amazing to me that some homes can survive storms for a hundred or more years, yet tonight we see the devastation in Oklahoma...all the lives cut short and homes obliterated in the blink of an eye. Thank you for your scripture and sentiment. Prayers for all of Oklahoma as they mourn their losses.

  9. I love the weathered wood! Yes, the news from Oklahoma is just horrible. I have been praying.

  10. this is in springfield right? we used to live in willard! i've been here!

    yes, my heart breaks for those families :(

  11. What a charming little old barn!...Yes, prayers to all those out in Oklahoma. xo

  12. What a sturdy, charming barn. And the cabin is fantastic, too.

  13. think of the history behind the barn and cabin.
    Thoughts and prayers go out to everyone effected by the tornadoes.
    Right now we're having severe thunderstorms, tornado warnings in some areas along with watches in other areas with very strong wind; up to 70mph along with hail.
    Due to the bad weather right now, some schools where let out early just for safety caution.
    Right now I'm getting very heavy rain fall
    Everyone, do be safe in you are in the line of any storms coming your way.

  14. Great barn. Similar in look to a historic barn that sits in a national park in my area. Thanks for sharing. Neat log cabin too.

    My barn(s) for this week can be seen here....

    Noteworthy Musings - Barn Charm #136

  15. Looks like a beautiful barn, love the spring look =)


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