Thursday, May 2, 2013

May 2

I have been collecting Vanna's Choice
yarn little by little, using my coupons
at Michael's and JoAnn's.
I have quite a nice collection of it and I've
been thinking how I'd like to use it.
This week I started making these little granny
squares and joining them using the 'join as
you go' method.  I've never done that before
and I am really enjoying it.  I think it is
making a charming little blanket.
I'll be showing more of it in the days
to come!
"He will be very gracious unto thee" - Isaiah 30:19
Have a nice day!

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  1. Charming indeed! ♥

  2. Very pretty!

    Vanna's yarns come
    in such pretty colors.

    M :)

  3. Love it:) Sooooo bright and cheery! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!


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