Thursday, May 16, 2013

May 16

I just got back from our yearly visit to
the Crater of Diamonds State Park in
As you can see, I took some time from
hunting diamonds to play with my new
friend, Tina.  She was a precious little gray
poodle.  I can't resist a cute dog!  I
offered to babysit and her parents were nice
enough to let me:)
It was hot the last few days and you can
tell by the picture I was pretty tired.  I
welcomed the sweet diversion.
Once again, we returned home with no
diamond, but we will try again!
"He is our help and our shield" - Psalm 33:20
Have a nice day!

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  1. What a cute photo of you my friend. I was born and raised in Arkansas so I remember going to the Diamond mine when I was a kid. Someone finds a valuable one often enough to make you know it's fun to dig! Sweet hugs!

  2. Better luck next time, cutie! :)

    Do you ever take your dogs with you when you travel? ♥

  3. I've been there digging in the dirt too! It rained while we were there, and they said that was the best time to spot a shiny diamond. I walked that field for a couple of hours before giving up! Five minutes later the siren went off, someone found a nice diamond right were I had been walking! I still would love to go back one day. You just never know, that next find might be mine!

  4. I thought that you got a new puppy!
    Bummer, maybe you'll find a diamond next time!
    Have a great weekend!

  5. Oh gosh...this is such an adorable picture of you both! xo


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