Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Barn Charm

I have tried for the longest time to get
a picture of this barn.  It sits waaaaaay out
in the middle of a biiiiiig field!  As you drive
along, the ground swells and all you can see is
the top of it.
Sunday, I snapped this picture in the only spot you
can, and zoomed in!
It's a lovely barn that sports a quilt square.
This barn truly is 'outstanding' in it's field!
I am happy to be able to share it with you.
Thanks for stopping by!
Please join Tricia for other charming barns! 

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  1. I posted a barn that I've had a terrible time getting a picture of too.
    You did good with this one - great barn!

  2. Nice barn! I love barns with the quilt blocks. Glad you got this shot!

  3. Glad you were able to get a shot of this barn. Any barn with a barn quilt is a favorite of mine!

  4. Such a cute barn! Wishing you a lovely week! xo Heather

  5. i'm happy you got a shot of it & shared it w/ us, too. thank you

    thank you, too, for the happy birthday wishes, very much appreciated

  6. I love looking at old barns, here in England people do them up and make them into fabulous houses, which can be good or bad depending on the builder!

  7. it's a great one and i love your editing...ha, "outstanding in its field"...for sure!

  8. What a lovely barn! I'm glad you were able to get a shot of it.

  9. What a great barn! Glad you caught it at the right spot. Pamela

  10. i wonder if you would not see it when all the corn was in full height? that would be fun to see as well. great place. ( :

  11. Looks a little lonely in the middle of a big field. Glad you managed to get a picture of it! : )

  12. I am glad you went to all that trouble to get the picture of the barn. It turned out very nicely, didn't it?

  13. Another outstanding barn. I so enjoy seeing all the ones that you have posted. I love old barns.
    Thank you

  14. Wouldn't you just love to walk up to it and open one of those doors????

  15. You made good use of that one sweet spot!

  16. Beautiful:) Have a blessed day, HUGS!

  17. Lovely shot of a beautiful barn, Twyla! Frame-worthy!

  18. This is so pretty! It really does seem to sit off by itself - quite a hike from the farmhouse (?). I love the sky in this photo, also. The darker blue near the top is beautiful!

  19. That barn really does sit out in the middle of nowhere doesn't it? Is there a house around anywhere?

    Thanks for sharing. It's a great looking building.

    Noteworthy Musings

  20. That's a wonderful barn. It looks very proud all by itself! Thanks for visiting mine! Enjoy the week.

  21. Oh I love your barn photos very scenic.


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