Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Twyla on Tuesday - Barn Charm


I took this picture last spring when things
were still green and beautiful.  These barns
sit together in a beautiful rolling field in mid-
Missouri.  One of my favorite drives. 

It's easy to get swept away be these old
beauties.  It makes it hard to keep your eyes
on the road!  Not to mention snapping pictures!
For this one I had to pull off the road and
get out.

Thanks for stopping by to visit today!
Be sure to visit Barn Charm for more!

Wishing you a happy day!

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  1. They look kind of familiar to me. Great shot of these faded beauties!

  2. Hi Twyla, Love the beautiful scenery as well as the old barn! xo Pam

  3. What a lovely sight !
    It looks as if it was not such a sunny day or maybe it is just the picture, but I can imagine it with the sun shinning !!


  4. I can see why you have trouble keeping your eyes on the road! Glorious view and I love the barn!!!
    Visiting from Barn Charm and a new follower.

  5. We used to live in Hannibal, but our Church was over an hour away in the interior of the state--Holliday and Madison. Our Church family was made up of farmers, and they were the most wonderful people in the world. Your picture has brought back so many happy memories. THank you!

  6. Pretty!
    Ooo! I'm going to miss our barns! But NOT their Landlord! In time, i'm sure I'll only remember the pleasantness! ♥

  7. Love that OLD barn and yes it is charming:) Have a blessed day dear friends. HUGS!

  8. Great barns. The weather vane on the far one really caught my eye!

  9. These were definitely worth stopping for! : )

  10. That back barn, minus the weather vane on top, could pass for one here on AA Hwy, peeling paint, the crop & all!
    Looks like there was some writing on the front of the one in the foreground.
    Beautiful barns & thanks so much for joining =)

  11. So beautiful!! Glad they are still there! xo Heather

  12. Beautiful, Twyla! You really do live in a beautiful part of the state!

  13. those are great. Those roof lines are just beautiful. I sure miss seeing all that green. Winter has been lingering here in Ohio.

  14. I'd say this one was worth the stop - lovely photo!

  15. I love the smaller barn in the back. So beautifully framed with all that green and such an interesting shape.

  16. Those are very unusual! I would also be slamming on my brakes and jumping out with camera cocked in shoot position...ready aim fire!

  17. What a wonderful post. I love old barns. One of my posts last May featured one that is in the county I was born. It's painted with quilt block designs.

    I love pulling over and capturing the countryside with wonderful old barns in the foreground.

    Thanks for sharing and thank you so much for your kind comments on my blog.

  18. Hi Twyla, The thing I love most about Ohio are the beautiful farms and barns. These are real beauties! E


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