Friday, March 15, 2013

Friday's Finished Project!

Hello friends!
I have finally completed my project!
Let me tell you, it's been a VERY time consuming
I got the idea from a pin I saw on Pinterest.

I have always wanted built in bookshelves and thought
this would be a way I could do it myself.
They are made with unfinished wooden crates from
Michael's and painted a creamy white.

I started collecting the crates and that wasn't quite as
simple as I thought it would be.  Our Michael's does not
stock very many at a time and many times I'd go in only
to find they were out.  The other problem I had was
that the quality was not consistent and I wouldn't buy
some of them.  :(

I also used my coupons to get them 40% off as often
as possible! 
The paint I used was Mystique by Valspar.  Boy, did I
get tired of painting crates!  Then having to let them dry
long enough before they could be stacked.

I am still playing with all my little cubbies and trying
to figure out what I want to put on them.
I have too much stuff!
I love that I can have a huge book shelf that I can
take apart and move whenever I feel like it!

Hope you enjoyed seeing my finished project!

Have a wonderful weekend!
Love, Twyla

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  1. I LOVE the finished shelves! GREAT job! Have a blessed weekend, HUGS!

  2. All of your hard work has certainly paid off in a beautiful way....your crate shelving looks terrific! I love the idea that you can change the configuration any time you want. Great job!

  3. It looks great, Twyla. What a clever idea for creating bookshelves. Now that the hard work is behind you, have fun playing with your things.

  4. that is looking very awesome indeed!
    well done...
    daisy J

  5. Your project turned out great....I had fun looking through your shelf and finding which things were my favorite :) Blessings friend

  6. Looks great! I would love to have a whole wall of storage and display space.

  7. It looks wonderful!!! Happy weekend! xo Heather

  8. WOW, you did collect A LOT of crates! It looks Awesome! I also like how you can switch them around for a different look! I see lots of pretties on them.
    Happy Weekend!

  9. I really admire your patience. I am the worst for waiting for paint to dry! Your shelves look amazing and well worth the effort. Well done you. Take care. Chel x

  10. Twyla, I LOVE YOUR PROJECT!!!!!! The final result is so worth all the effort you put into it. Absolutely fantastic! Best wishes, Tammy

  11. Twyla, What a wonderful idea that turned out so beautifully! I love that you can rearrange the "shelves" when the mood strikes. I also like your paneling. Do you know you can't buy it anymore. My husband and I tried everywhere to find it. It's so "vintage" now.
    Oh my gosh, I hadn't even thought about the underwire in my bra! Thank goodness I was wearing a plain one!
    Have a lovely weekend Twyla! Elizabeth

  12. Your shelves looks great! I love the way you placed all of your items. I always need help with that so I pinned the picture for future reference. Thanks!



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