Monday, March 18, 2013

Barn Charm

Hello everyone!

This barn always catches my eye when I pass
through Polk county.
I took this picture last week when the clouds
were just gorgeous!
I think they almost look like a painting!

For those of you who have read my Twyla on Tuesday
posts, I have started posting on Fridays.  I am having a
lot of fun joining Barn Charm on Tuesdays because
it gives me a chance to share a lot of the pictures of
barns that I have taken on my trips around Missouri.

I will be back on Friday with other things I've
been up to!
In the meantime, be sure to visit Bluff Area Daily
for more awesome barns!

Have a wonderful day!

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  1. A great barn and the sun is shining! : )

  2. It DOES look like a's a beautiful photo!!

  3. What a great old red barn! I love the hay loft on this one.

  4. This a beautiful shot, Twyla! The clouds are awesome and I love the red barn!

  5. Really pretty view! Nice looking barn...hay chute?

  6. The barn is gorgeous on it's own, but you captured it on the perfect day. Love the clouds and lighting!

  7. So pretty! I love those clouds too. P.S. Your blog graphics are adorable!

  8. glad you are sharing these barns. so fun. love those clouds. beautiful view. ( :

  9. Great photo! I love the fading red paint on the barn and those clouds are amazing.
    Thanks for the visit. I am your newest follower.

  10. Love the barn and love that sky....looks like a gorgeous day!

  11. Oh you are right, that barn with that sky makes a beautiful image. Glad you are joining up at Barn Charm...I love barns too!!

  12. That's a great shot! The clouds really are fantastic!

  13. Oooo, I love to go looking for barns!

    Enjoy "our" snow.

    M :)

  14. That red barn coupled w/ that awesome sky is hard to beat! Very beautiful

    Thank you for joining =)

  15. Beautiful! The clouds make it even more special! Are you getting ready for snow? Hopefully it won't be too bad. My kids are hoping they will get sent home early from school. :)

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