Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Twyla on Tuesday - Back Again!

It's been far too long since I've done
a post!  I didn't mean to be away so long,
but I have spent the last two months caring
for my husband who has been off work
with a bad back.  He is recovering and
has finally returned to work!

A new year is upon us and I really feel that
it is a gift.  I hope that I can take each moment
and make it count. 
I have so much to be grateful for.
I want to absorb it!

Every January I have this insane desire to crochet!
I usually make an afghan or two or three during
January.  This is one that I am currently working
on.  For me crocheting is therapudic.  I think
after the hectic holidays it's just nice to sit
down and quietly create something comforting
and beautiful.

It's nice to visit with you and I hope to
share some new projects with you in the
coming weeks!

Have a beautiful day!
Love, Twyla

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  1. Hi Twyla,
    I was so happy to see that you are posting once again. I must admit I was a bit concerned for you. I'm sorry to hear that your husband has been suffering with back problems, but glad to know he is feeling better now.
    I love all of the pretty colors in your crochet project. Enjoy your time spent crocheting.
    PS: All of the vintage Valentine's are adorable.

  2. Welcome back! Please tell us more about the clothes line pic! So cute!

    Have fun crocheting! I know I would love it if my wrists would.

    Remember I told you about my fabric cutting project yesterday? It was so fun- sitting in my chenille covered cozy chair by my sunny patio door- just cutting away. The snow was falling and the guys were busy with projects of their own and it just felt so right. But by bedtime last night, my wrists were killing me! Ugh! Oh well. It was fun while it lasted. I just shouldn't have been so immoderate! ♥

  3. Your crochet project is looking beautiful!! I'm really enjoying crocheting right now too! Hope you have a lovely day! Happy creating! Hugs, Holly

  4. I"m glad your husband is feeling better. The stripey afghan you are working on has such a wonderful pattern to it. It looks like you are working with multiple yarns all at the same time.

  5. Glad your husband is feeling better! Happy crocheting and creating! xo Heather

  6. Glad your hubby is better!! I have been in a sort of crochet mode, too. I think it's a cozy thing to do during the winter months. Love your chalkboard with the clothesline and picket fence. Fantastic!!

  7. Hi Twyla

    I adore the top image of the washing line piece - did you create that?

    The crochet bug doesn't hit here until the middle of the year as we are in Oz, and the January is summer, The winter weather makes me want to curl up with old movies and crochet.

  8. Hi Twyla! I am back to blogging, too, and having fun catching up with everyone. You were one of the first people to welcome me to the blog world, and you will always be special to me. I hope your hubs is really much better - and I am glad you are back!


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