Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Vintage Santa and Giveaway Winner!

Hello friends!
I just had to share this sweet vintage card with you! I love everything about it!
The lamp, the book and especially the red and white striped mittens!

We hope you have been enjoying our Sugar Kissed Christmas so far!

There is still much more inspiration and craftiness to share!

Can you believe that it's only about a week and a half till Christmas?
Wow, not long to go!
Are you ready?

We would like to announce the winner of our Christmas Tag giveaway!
It's Holly of Cutie Pie Cottage.

Have a lovely day, Lindsey and Twyla


  1. Thanks for sharing the beautiful card ladies! Looks like you are ready for the magical day!

  2. Beautiful! I am going to use these on some gift bags I am making today! I appreciate you both so much! Congrats to Holly! Have a blessed day my friends, HUGS!

  3. Such pretty inspiration! It is always a sweet treat coming over to yours!

    Happy, happy Advent greetings from France.


  4. Eeeks! I'm so surprised! Ha-ha! It's fun to see one's name in print as the winner! Thanks, girls!!!

    Oh and that's the perfect Santa graphic! some of the older ones seem a little creepy but this looks like a guy I could trust. ;)

  5. Love the Santa card and congrats to Holly on the win!

  6. What a wonderful vintage picture of Santa. Love them candy cane striped mittens.
    Thank U


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