Saturday, December 10, 2011

Vintage Christmas Cards

Hello sweet friends!
Today we have a couple of
 vintage cards to share.
I love the colors and sweet victorian style of this first card.
The inside says, Merry Christmas. 

I thought this was a very unique and fun styled retro card!
Feel free to use them in your own Christmas crafts.

Another Tim Holtz style tag to share today!

Have a wonderful Saturday!
Twyla and Lindsey


  1. Hope you gals have a fantastic weekend. I enjoyed looking back over your craft a day for December. Love the journal. Best wishes, Tammy

  2. Sweet cards, THANKS! Have a blessed weekend dear friends, HUGS!

  3. Good morning girls! That first card is so unique! Thanks for sharing.

    I had been loading cards on my blog to decorate with but now my silly ole Internet is too low and I have to wait! Life on the farm is wonderful but I sure miss high speed unlimited Internet!

    Come see my merry Christmas kitchen hutch! ♥

  4. Lovely!! Your blog is truly eye candy! Happy Saturday!
    Hugs, Lisa

  5. Just found your blog while looking up vintage snowman!!! Love all you marvelous tags and that santa sled is phenominal!!! Awesome Blog, Merry Christmas!!

  6. Well, hello! I came by to say thank you for visiting my blog and becoming a follower! I just love your vintage style! During my visit, I saw the yo-yo wreath...those have to be one of my favorite vintage items!! I'll be back!

  7. Thank you so much for sharing. I am new to paper crafting you always inspire me.


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