Monday, December 26, 2011

Giveaway Winner!

Hello friends!
We hope that you and your family
had a wonderful Christmas!

The winner of our Blogoversary giveaway is...
Sandy of 521 Lake Street!

Congrats Sandy!

Wishing you a wonderful Monday, Lindsey and Twyla


  1. Oh boy!!!! I won!!!! Thank you! Are you having any problems with your blog???? Mine is a mess! And I haven't done anything different! Hope you get this! Sandy

  2. Congrats to Sandy! Thanks for being so generous, girls! No probs with my blog this morning. ♥

  3. Just to let you know how much I love the tag I got from you on Etsy...and the bonus tag! Thank you so much! I want you to know I read every post on both of your blogs. Lots of inspiration to be found! =D

  4. That is such a sweet little Christmas was wonderful....congrats to your winner...blessings

  5. Congratulations to the lucky winner!!!!!! Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! HUGS!

  6. Dear Twyla and Lindsey - I have so missed regularly visiting with you two these past four months since school started and I got lost in the fray! More hopeful for something to change for the better in 2012 so I can regain a creative footing in Blogworld! Enjoy repinning with you when I get some me time on Pinterest! Joy to you and yours this holiday season - hope your Christmas was blessed!


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