Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Twyla on Tuesday

Hello dear friends!
Today I thought I would show you some things
I have painted.
I adore wooden shoe forms and normally would Never
consider painting them as I prefer seeing the pretty wood,
but I happened to find a couple that were not pretty at all!

I picked them up thinking that it would be fun to paint them.
The first one here is painted with Martha Stewart's Lagoon.
Such a pretty color!

I thought cherries would be a pretty decoration.

This next shoe is painted a pretty light pink. I then painted one
of my cottage scenes on it.

I really enjoyed painting these and am looking for more
homely shoe forms!

I have a small collection of oil cans.
I really wanted to add some whimsy to them.
Here is one I have painted, again with cherries!

My latest mixed media painting is this little sailboat.
It's called Merrily Down the Stream.  I painted the clouds and the sky
and the rest is scrapbook paper.
I continue to love this art form.
It makes me happy!

Thanks so much for stopping by today!
Enjoy Your Day!
Love, Twyla


  1. I never thought of painting these shoe forms, how clever of you I love what you did.

  2. Who would have ever thought of it? It is amazing what a little paint can do to turn something beautiful. The cherries motif is cute, as is the cottage! Love you!

  3. How fun those are! And I love love love the colrs :-)

  4. Love the blue with the cherries, Twyla! I just bought some fabric like that only it has little strawberries on it too and I'm using it in my button ball garlands!

    I didn't know you collected oil cans! Do you have a crush on the tin man? :)

  5. Good Morning Pretty Lady,

    Twyla, your mixed media pieces are just getting lovelier all the time. This one is very sweet!

    Big Hugs,

  6. Twyla I really like the painted shoe forms, I think the white one is my favorite!

  7. What a beautiful job you did on all of these!!!
    One of my daughter's is in loooove with the color aqua and the other is in loooove with cherries. : )
    I also love the sky and clouds you painted. Very nice!

  8. Hi Twyla,
    the shoe "cottage" is sweet! isn't creating wonderful!
    have a nice evening.

  9. You are certainly a talented painter and have such a knack at making the ordinary look beautiful! I especially love the pink shoe form with the cottage.

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  10. You're so talented! Wish I could paint. Love the aqua and cherry shoe ~ my favorite color combination:)



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