Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Twyla on Tuesday

I don't want to bore you with my new mixed media
art, but I just did this one yesterday and thought since
it was similar in subject to the one I shared in Saturday's
post, I would show this one to you, too!

Have you started 'pinning' yet?!

Lindsey and I are hopelessly addicted to Pinterest!

If you aren't familiar with it, it's a place where you
'pin' pictures you like from the internet giving credit
to your source so you can get back to it!

It is invaluable when it comes to saving recipes from the net.

We now have many we want to try!

Lindsey and I share our boards.  We each just pin under her name.  The boards are a combination of both our styles.

There is so much inspiration at Pinterest.  We stay signed in
so that our introduction page always shows things we are interested in.
For various reasons, this is a very good idea.

If you would like to visit our boards or if you aren't familiar
with Pinterest and want to see what it's like

I hope you are enjoying a beautiful day!
Love, Twyla


  1. I love this painting and you know the pink & yellow one caught my eye. I haven't "pinned" yet.
    Meredith's birthday is Oct. 3 & I am having a giveaway. I know my blog is a memorial one for her, but there is a calendar & a birthday calendar you might want to comment for. Just wanted to let you know. xoxo

  2. I love seeing your artwork!!! Beautiful! I have not ventured into Pinterest yet... I hear it is addictive:) Have a blessed day, HUGS!

  3. Hi Lindsey and Twyla!
    I've recently become a member of Pinterest but, have yet to figure it out! I can't wait to visit yours and become a follower. I hope to figure it all out soon!
    Have a wonderful, blessed, joyful day!

  4. Girl, you have found your niche!

    With my slow internet and crummy plan, I haven't gotten into pinning yet. I don't even get on flickr anymore. :(

    Today is dotty Hop day! Come say hi! ♥

  5. Okay - so YOU'RE the Lindsey that's following me on Pinterest. I am such a newbie and haven't the faintest idea what I'm doing there yet. Just grabbing and pinning when I see eye candy that touches my heart. Grabbed a couple from this post as a matter of fact - and noted you both. Any tips on making the most of Pinterest for someone with limited time to play there?

  6. Love your art...it is very nice...I requested an invite from Pinterest but,there is a waiting list. Blessings

  7. Hi Twyla,
    No, I haven't done the "pin" thingy...I'm already on the computer too much..according to "hubby" LOL
    Cool pics you pinned. Like the new picture you made with the tape measure.
    Picked up Mack's ashes today..feeling down...

  8. I want that puppy! Well, I haven't spent any time to speak of on 'pin' so it looks very intimidating right now to me.

    Love your header!

    TTFN ~
    Have a beautiful eve ~

  9. Oh me too girls! I am so addicted to Pinterest that I have totally neglected my blog and everybody elses :(


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