Thursday, July 28, 2011

Newest Vintage Find

Hello friends!
Today I thought I would share my latest vintage find.
This super sweet planter!
Isn't she cute? She looks like Cinderella to us.
She was made by Lipper and Mann.

Wishing you a lovely day, Lindsey


  1. She is just so precious! I love her sweet nature. Great find.

  2. Oh what a cutiepie.... Love it! Have a blessed day my friend,HUGS!

  3. Very sweet! Just like 2 crazy crafters that I know! ♥

  4. That is just sooo cute, and the face reminds me of a set of porcelain angels that my mother had when I was young. I wonder if they might have been made by the same company? Thanks for sharing. I do love vintage finds!! Hope you are enjoying your day. ~Debby

  5. What a beauty his planter and she does look like Cinderella. Have a nice weekend.

  6. She is so pretty! I love your birthday cupboard, too - it's adorable!

  7. Oh how just have to fill her up with some pretty blooms..She is a keeper...


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