Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Lovely Vintage Summer Graphics

Hello friends!
I found this fun little Children's Party Book that's from 1935!
It contains sweet party images and when I came upon this page I knew it would be fun to share.

Feel free to save and print these pages for your crafting and party inspiration!

 I wonder how many housewives looked at this book to inspire them! 
You can click on the photos to see them bigger and read the ideas and recipes.

Speaking of parties, we are hosting an ATC  (artist trading card) blog hop on our blog,
Friday, July 1st. To participate, just create a patriotic themed card measuring 2 1/2 x 3 1/2.
Share it on your blog on July 1st, then come link your post up with ours using a linky tool!

Wishing you a day of fun, Lindsey


  1. Hi Ladies,

    Absolutely adorable graphics, thanks for sharing them.....I'm just gonna' add them to my over 1 million collection already. Don't forget, if you have any images you want cleaned up or altered.....give me a holler! Have a lovely day.

    Big Hugs,

  2. I just adore childrens books & have a nice collection of my own!!
    Have a Splendid Day!!

  3. Oh these images are just so cute I can't stand it, thanks for posting.

  4. I love the graphics and the summertime play ideas AND the recipes. What fun!

  5. Love your little vintage book pics!! I guess I'm officially vintage because those books were what I read back in the 50's!! It was a great time to grow up.
    Gmama Jane

  6. What a great find! I love using old children's books as inspiration while practicing my drawing. The art work is wonderful in them!

    I'm so glad you came by my blog to check up on my colored pencil drawings. I finished up the book I was using and am about to fish around in my family picture boxes to see if I can find a little inspiration from my children's growing-up-years to create my own drawings now.

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  7. Your 1935 graphics are fabulous! So cute, and colorful! thanks for sharing! ~Heidi

  8. How unique, thanks for sharing! I am now a follower. :)

    Stop by my new craft blog, Made Especially For You. It's still getting started but I promise I have many creative ideas!



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