Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Twyla on Tuesday

Hi friends!
Decorating around my house is
always changing.  Depending on
my mood or what resent treasure I
have found.

We have a spot in our living room that
is always changing.  We like to create
vignettes there and when guests are in
our home, they always look to see what new
vignette might be there. 

You'll often find me having country daydreams.
I just will never forget the down home feel
of my grandparents home with their
wood cookstove, washstand and pie safe.

They did not have the luxury of running water,
but as a kid, I thought it was fun to drink out of the dipper.
They simply didn't miss what they had never had.
Things were so simple then and time stretched
so much further than it does now.

I long for the simple, quiet peace that
surrounded that little farm.
My grandpa milked cows for a living
and my grandma puttered.
She was a professional putterer.
I think I took after her.

Thanks for joining me today.
I'd love to hear what you are daydreaming about!
Have a splendid day!


  1. This is so pretty! I love the idea of having a changeable area in your home! It's like a treaure hunt for your guests!

  2. I should follow your lead and change things up more often! Beautiful vignettes with interesting pieces! Have a blessed day, HUGS!

  3. Such a pretty vignette. Very good idea to have a changeable area.

  4. Morning Twyla,
    I'm like you..I enjoy changing up my mantle and bow window...your vignettes are great with your old goodies!
    Have a great Day!

  5. I'm glad you're having fun changing vignettes in your home! I still haven't reached that stage yet but feel my bookcase is due an overhaul!

    Victoria xx

  6. Good morning dear Twyla! I love how you have those drawers stacked. It's a fun vingette!

    The guys are going to rearange my furniture today. Again. :) Then I'll have a new area to decorate, too.

    I also love to putter. I've been using that word for years. Just the other day, Bobby asked me what I was doing and I said I was "just puttering."

    Well, I sort of have your grandparents life. But I so do love my electricity and running water! I've lived without both before. I'm glad I had the experience and I'm also glad that it's over! I still thank God for a hot shower and machine washed towels!

    Have a great day! We have sun today for the first time in days! hurray! ♥

  7. Happy Mother's Day Twyla! I am so glad you are a putterer and that you share it with us. This is such a sweet display reminding us of visits to grandparents. Have a lovely week ahead! Elizabeth

  8. I love this little Country prim vignette ...I find myself in this same frame of mind lately....I have done a lot of changes to my decor...and I am feeling very comfortable with my country prim style....I am still paring down so much in my home and if and when I have my yard sale...it is going to be big :) I too drank from a dipper at my grandma's farm......such fond memories...blessings dear Twyla

  9. Your vignette looks really lovely.
    I think I would have loved to have visited your grandparent's farm. It all sounds wonderful.

  10. Absolutely charming. And I love the idea of a professional putterer - I aspire to be one of those. :)

  11. Memories of ones grandparents are so special. To a child, a grandparents home is the most perfect place on earth. At least it was for me. I can still "see" every room, every knook and crany, what was on the window sills, what was at the top of the attic stairs, etc. I love the sweet county look you have assembled in memory of your Grandparents life at the farm... everything from the quilt and enamelware to the crocks, butter-mold, coffee-grinder, nesting hen and embroidered pieces. I enlarged your pictures to take a real good look at everything you tucked in there. I just love stuff like this! Sometimes I think I was born a generation too late.

  12. Hello,
    Thanks so much for the birthday wishes. I did have a wonderful day filled with family and friends. Lots of cards and flowers. Antique Rose

  13. The picture of the spool quilt!!! I am doing a tutorial in a few days on how to make that block! I took a class on it in Pigeon Forge Tenn back in March! That block pattern was all the rage in the Netherlands at one time!!! I have not seen an entire quilt made only a sampler! May I borrow that picture and give you credit???
    Gmama Jane

  14. Oh my, how lovely! I think I may "borrow" your idea too and have an area that I change regularly :-)

    I could relate so much to what you said about your grandparents' house. I can remember what an adventure it always felt to spend time with my Grandma during the summer holidays. Her home didn't have a bathroom and it was such fun to have a bath in her old tin bath, filled with hot water from her copper. Mind you, going to the loo wasn't always so much fun with it being outside! I was always on the look-out for spiders LOL And if we needed to "go" during the night, then we used the china chamber-pots which were kept beneath the bed. No, I'm not that terribly ancient ~ just coming up to the grand 'ole age of 50 ;-)


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