Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Shake It Up, Baby!

There is little in this world that excite
Lindsey and I more than craft supplies!
You'll often find us hanging around
Hobby Lobby and Michael's.

The way it usually goes is this:  I say to Lindsey,
'I'll be in yarn!' and she says, 'I'll be in scrapbooking!'
We go to our special interest isles and then meet each
other when we can tear ourselves away.

This week, Lindsey and I decided to shake things
up a bit!  We often glance longingly at the art section
as we are heading toward each other in the stores.
Well, the pull was just a little too strong this week 
and we found ourselves totally engulfed in the art section!

Armed with our 40% off coupons we chose the
items that we felt inspiring us the most.
So exciting working in a new medium!
Okay, now don't laugh, I came home right away
and painted a little 5 x 7 canvas.
I am not a painter, although I have
done several large wall murals,
which is totally different to me.


This is a whimsical little mushroom tree.
I hope that I will be able to show some improvement
as I go along.  It was so much fun and I can't 
wait to paint another one!

Thanks for sharing our excitement with us.
We hope that you will try something new and 
see what new craft may inspire you!

Have a wonderful day!
Twyla and Lindsey


  1. It would be so much fun to shop with you both! I love art supplies! I just need to get them out and draw! You are both so talented! ENJOY! ♥

  2. I love art supplies too. My son is an artist and sometimes I look at what he is doing and think I might try it. But with all the other things I enjoy doing, I haven't taken up drawing or painting. Maybe I should!

  3. Hi Ladies,

    Lindsey I'm very excited, too, about our swap. I'm so glad you're opening up your options on materials. It's always fun to try something new. I'm still working on the ideas of my swap many options swimming through my head.

    Twyla, your painting is lovely and your adventure with your daughter reminded me of yesterday when my mom and I went to Michaels. I needed paint for my sculptures and she, being an amazing artist, looked through the art supplies. She bought me a lovely set of 36 watercolor pencils to play with and at 40% off of $69, it was an amazing purchase.

  4. Oooooo..... I could just hug Michael's as I love everything from art & scrapbooking to yarn & thread "stuff"!! Crafts are my drug & Michael's is my supplier!! LOL!! LOL!! LOL!!
    Have a Wonderful Weekend!

  5. Thank you so much for the birthday wish. I visit your blog every day and I want to thank you for all the creative inspiration you give to me. You two are so special.
    Thank you again,


  7. I love your crafting and the vintage look to everything! I also want to thank you for stopping by my blog and visiting!! I love new followers since I'm very small but growing in Quality! My followers are special. I live in the tornado stricken state of Alabama and I'm working on getting quilts to chidlren who have lost everything. You can not imagine the devastation...looks like a bomb went off in some 3rd world country. We were without power and phone for 6 days as was the entire norhtern half of the State!!! You have never seen DARK like that before. However, I enjoyed stitching on my front porch. I'm a retired teacher who now has time to pursue my passion of quilting and sewing projects.
    Come by for a visit anytime. If you haven't already, please check out the blog Sew We Quilt @ Stash Manicure...a wonderful one stop blog for all things quilt & crafts!! Wonderful ladies to boot! The gracious Madame Samm is the blog Admin and she is the Best!!
    Gmama Jane


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