Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Twyla on Tuesday

Hello friends!
A rainy weekend
threatened to upset our Easter festivities.
These two little beauties, dressed to the nines,
did not let a little rain dampen their spirits
and certainly lifted mine!

A perky Easter bonnet,

a matching handbag.
Makeup just so.

A 'remember me' cup that
always makes me smile and wonder
who made the gesture.

Little treasures gathered Saturday.

My thoughts are with everyone who is suffering
from all the rains and flooding.
Best wishes to all our dear friends
for a beautiful week!


  1. There is certainly lots crazy weather out there. We've had dull skies for a week now. A splash of rain. Lightning in the early morning hours. Dust, mostly dust. Your treasures are sweet :/ Have a terrific Tuesday. Tammy

  2. It is very crazy weather. I wish the sun would come out. Thank you for the wonderful memories today. I can remember seeing them and the cups. Have a wonderful day. Your Missouri Friend.

  3. What sweet, beautiful treasures, Twyla! You always find the most magical vintage beauties!

    Hoping your day is just lovely, my friend!


  4. Thank Goodness.... A beautiful Tuesday here in the Northeast!! Temps upward of 70+!! WOO HOO!!
    Love your "Ladies"!!
    Have a Wonderful Day!!

  5. Hello Twyla on Tuesday! Well I know *I'll* never forget *you*! You've enriched my life SO much! :)

    The weather was lovley here on Easter but then the next day? BRRRR! Cold, wet, and windy! I could barely keep my van on the road when I went to town yesterday!

    I love the dot background you girls are using for your pics! ♥

  6. We are cold and almost always wet this spring. Although we have flowers, I can't spend much time enjoying them with so much wind, rain, hail, and gray skies.
    I hope your Easter was really special, hugs, Mary

  7. Such sweet finds...we had a series of storms come through our area yesterday,thankfully there was little damage compared to what might have occurred. Blessings

  8. HI Twyla,
    such sweet little figurines! Wanted to stop by and say, "I'm back on my blog" after all this time, hope you will stop by. Take care! Robyn

  9. They make me smile too!
    It's raining here..guess thru tomorrow. The grass is greening up! Otherwise...I want sun shine!


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