Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Twyla on Tuesday

Calling all March birthday's!
This super cute card is to help us celebrate everyone
who has a birthday in March.

If your birthday is in March, please leave a comment with your
birthday and we will list it in our sidebar. 

It's been awhile since I shared my crochet with you.
This is what I am currently working on.


I was inspired by the lovely blogs Clever Cheshire Cats  and Elizabeth Cat.
If you love crochet and aren't familiar with these ladies, please check
them out!

Have a wonderful day!


  1. Hello Ladies, my birthday is March 20th and I will be 65 this year a real pensioner now but I am having a lovely time being a retired lady and I love reading all the blogs, you two have some really pretty things going on.

  2. That card is just too darn cute. Now why don't they make cards like that today I ask you?
    No March birthday for me mine's a big one this year in June!

  3. I'm afraid I have another birthday coming up, March 11. I'll be 56. How can that be when I see myself as 25? Ha!
    I love your crocheting. Looks so delicate.
    Also, I took your advise and got the TH blending tool. I really like the looks I can get with it. Thanks.

  4. Oh such a cute card, Twyla! Love the touch of yellow in it!

    Your crochet is sooo pretty!

    I'm enjoying my week end by saying no to stress! ♥

  5. Oh, I just LOVE that sweet card, Twyla! That's a keeper! Love your latest crochet project, too--beautiful!

    Hope you're both having a wonderful day!


  6. I love your birthday list! And your sweet blog! ♥♥♥

  7. I am having my 40th birthday on March 26th! Ack!!!

  8. I think my favorite vintage cards are of little girls doing grown-up "woman's work" like baking, laundry, and cleaning. Call me old-fashioned, but my heart melts for it!

  9. I do so love the vintage cards with pups on them! This one is no exception - darling!

  10. You have such a great blog! I'm glad I recently discovered it. The cards are adorable. I have a March birthday. 49 on March 26th. One more year until the "big" one.

  11. Well, I don't crochet and my birthday's not in March, but I'm stopping by to say hi anyway :).
    That card is so cute it makes me want to change my birthday month.
    I love the colors in your crochet project.

  12. Yay my birthday month is here. My birthday is this Sunday, the 6th.

    I wish I knew how to crochet because those circles are gorgeous!

  13. Hi girls! Guess what? My birthday is TODAY! Yes, March 2. Great month for birthdays! Love your altered book, too! Hugs, Heidi


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