Saturday, March 12, 2011

Good To Be Back!

Dearest ladies, it may have only been two days, but
we have missed you so much!  We were without internet
for the last two days!  Horrors!
We now have a faster high speed provider
and we are thrilled with how fast our pictures are now going to

We are so happy to be able to post again and
get around to visit you all soon.
We are off today on an antiquing excursion
that we have been planning for awhile.
Wish us luck!

Have a wonderful day!
Twyla and Lindsey


  1. So glad you've got everything working now--and faster! Computer problems are the WORST for us bloggers, aren't they?!

    Hope you have a wonderful & successful time today--what fun!

    Have a beautiful weekend, my friends!


  2. So glad you're back!!! BTW, this image is beyond adorable. Love the colours, the birds, everything!

  3. Yea for you! Enjoy the antique hunt. We are having rain and thunder at this very moment. Best wishes, Tammy

  4. oh i have this card! its one of my favorites!! :)
    SO glad to see you back my loves!!

  5. I was without my laptop for 1 evening last week and it drove me crazy! I even took the following day off work so I could get it sorted!!!

    Have a great weekend ladies,

    Victoria xx

  6. so good to hear from you! Nothing worse then no internet service for a few days. Glad you have things back again, and even faster now! I look forward to visiting often again. ~Debby

  7. Welcome back. Ah, the perils of modern technology, nothing worse then loosing internet connection. Pinkies crossed all stays well. Adore your blog x

  8. Welcome back, two days is a long time to be disconnected:) Sounds like you ladies have a fun day ahead! ENJOY!

  9. I knew you were having computer probs so I wasn't too worried but I did miss you! I can't wait to see what you find today! ♥

  10. Oh that is great you have stepped up to a faster speed. Nothing like a slow connection to frustrate us is there?
    Take Care Nan

  11. Oh, you will really enjoy the high speed internet! So glad you got it. Twyla, please email me if you get a chance. Love you all - love all the beautiful tags Lindsey is making.


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