Monday, March 14, 2011

Antique Finds

Hello friends!
Today we will begin showing you what we
bought at the antique mall!
This set of sweet vintage crochet potholders caught
Lindsey's eye!
The adorable little card was a squeel thrill!


Lindsey is also always on the lookout for vintage children's books.
She likes to scan the images and use them in her crafting.

Such sweet illustrations!

I have such a weakness for motto prints.  I was thrilled
to find two more to add to my collection.

These were both in beautiful condition and are going
to look lovely displayed together.

We'll share more tomorrow!
Have a fun day!
Twyla and Lindsey


  1. I can see why you girls love Artichoke Annie's. It is filled with all things sweet in the color combinations that you adore. Great purchases! Have a marvelous Monday. :) Tammy

  2. You did great! Love these new buys. The book is so cute! I just love the older graphics. xoxo

  3. So lovely these that fine colours of it.
    Fine new week

  4. Oh, my - LOVE everything! But especially that birthday motto print. It is truly beautiful. Thank you for showing us your lovely finds!

  5. You guys got some good stuff! I really like those framed sayings. Must remind me of my grandparents house.

  6. Ha-ha! Lindsey always gets what I would get! :)

  7. Hello there, two crazy crafters! :) I love these antique finds- especially the sweet kids book- now that i have a little girl I am even more in love with anything antique that is for wee ones. So precious!

    I was stopping by to let you know that I am having a giveaway to celebrate my return to blogging and say thank you to my followers (of which you are one!) for faithfully keeping me in their blog roll this past year and a half that I was absent from blogging (I had a baby and was learning to be a new mamma!). To celebrate I am giving away a season of The Waltons on DVD. If you're interested, all you have to do is head over to my blog and enter.

    It's great to be back in bloggyland, looking forward to more good stuff for you ladies!

  8. Awesome finds! I also collect vintage children's books and greeting cards to scan and use in my crafting! It makes vintage hunting even more fun to visualize what will be created in future!
    Hope you have a great day and fabulous week!
    Love and HUGE HUGS!

  9. Everything you found is so sweet! I love the birthday wishes print, and that book would have come home with me too!
    Happy Monday!

  10. OMGoodness! I have just "toured" your favorite antique booth. I am so surprised it doesn't have T@L stamped on every item. What a wonderful display. Imagine owning all of those things at one time! Swoon! Have a lovely week ahead Twyla. In my thoughts, Elizabeth

  11. What wonderful treasures you found!!

    I just wanted to let you know that I love your blog so much & passed on a Versatile Blog Award to you!! I know life is crazy & busy…so if you don’t have time to participate…I totally understand. Check out my blog for more info…

    Take Care,

    Signs & Salvage

  12. your antique finds are great, my gram crochet many pot holders like the ones you purchased. everything is lovely.

  13. Somebody get the smelling salts!!! OMG!! I love the crochet potholders!! I wanted to yank those lambs out of your Antique Hunting!

    Deanna :D

  14. These are just great finds. Love the book!!

  15. It's so much fun to see what you gals find! It's fun also to go to antique shops and look around.

  16. It was fun to go to the antique store with you. I would have loved those booths too. My heart is content and happy in child wonder. May we never ever grow up.

    I am very proud to say that I personally bought your little pink/blue house tags Lindsey and turned them into table tents in the restaurant. I'll show them soon!

    Hope you two are as happy as two crazy crafters can be!

    Today we had our best Monday ever! Were on our way!

  17. It's always fun to see what everyone finds for treasures.

  18. Hi I really like your blog I just stumbled upon it. I love the planters too. I like to see you blog more about them.

  19. I love Motto prints too! In fact I have 2 I must pick up from my parents!

    Victoria x

  20. Everything you found is so sweet! I love the birthday wishes print, and that book would have come home with me too! Happy Monday! Carol


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