Friday, February 4, 2011

Year of the rabbit

Hello friends!
A tricky little rabbit is just the
Valentine to welcome the year of the rabbit.

Along with a cutie little cookie jar! 

This was a sweet find I brought home from a flea market
a couple of months ago.  Would you believe I didn't buy it
the first time I seen it?!  I was hoping he would be there when I went
back a couple of weeks later and luckily he was!
Enjoy your day!


  1. Oh I do that Twyla, leaving something I really wanted. I'm so glad he was still there when you returned, lucky you!

  2. Hi Ladies,

    What a sweet planter, and thanks for another lovely valentine.


  3. Sometimes we just have to see if an item lingers in our heart before we get it! That's how it was with my Aunt Bee canisters and many other things... Sometimes the money just isn't there! Glad it was there when you went back.

    I'm battling a bladder infection this morning- first one in years. This is NOT the time of year one wants to drink lots of water!

  4. Every time I see one of those baby planters I think of you guys! I see them a lot at our favorite antique malls. They are so cute, I might just start collecting them myself.

    BTW, I ordered a TH ink blending thingy and it came today. I'll let you know how I do with it.

  5. Cute Valentine and that cookie jar is PRECIOUS! Enjoy your weekend ladies! HUGS!

  6. I have kicked myself around the block a number of times for not buying when first seen...go back and it is gone! Great cookie jar and it sure looks happy in its new home.
    Have a great weekend.

  7. Oh I just love the music!
    What a find that was.. You are lucky indeed it was still there when you went back.. Soooooooo cute!


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