Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy New Year ~ Postcards

Hello dear friends!
A gift is given to us all, a fresh new year!

I love the feeling that I am able to start anew and maybe do things
a little bit better than I did the last year.
Yes, the usual resolutions, loose weight, exercise more, eat right.
These are all important.

I think I shall also resolve to give more, forgive more, help more
and savor more. 


It is not enough to have good intentions,
I must consiously make the effort each day.

Thank you for being here this year and making it so special!
Happy New Year!


  1. Happy New Year to you both. What wonderful cards.

  2. Sweet little postcards! I find taking one day at a time is key for resolutions.

  3. I certainly agree with the resolutions that reach beyond ourselves to positively affect others. Wishing you and yours health, happiness, peace and love in the new year. Blessings, Tammy

  4. I have been working on a calendar that I wanted to use vintage card images on. And I needed a New Years Eve card. So thanks!

  5. Beautiful thoughts and images today, my friend...I was just having simliar thoughts about the New Year ahead of much to look forward to! Wishing you and your sweet family all of those things, and looking forward to another fun & creative year!


  6. The postcards are lovely! Thank you very much for them.

    And thank you for the thoughts you wrote about the new year. I want to do some things better, too.

    Thank you for your very creative blog - I love to read and to get some inspirations. Next year I want to learn something about your "Alice im Wunderland" teaparty.

    Happy New Year to you, too!
    Hugs and greetings

  7. Those are some great New year resolutions.....looking forward to visiting you all more in 2011...many blessings on your coming New year....Shelley

  8. I love the little girl on skis. Happy New Year! La

  9. Happy New Year, Twyla and Lindsey!
    deb :)


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