Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Twyla on Tuesday

"Art enables us to find ourselves and lose
ourselves at the same time." - Thomas Merton

Isn't that a great quote?!  I think most of us can identify with it.
Although, I don't quite feel comfortable calling what I do 'art'.  It's just
my simple crochet.  I am working on an all white afghan for an acquaintance.
It will be a surprise to her.  That's how I enjoy my crafting most, sharing it
with others.

Isn't that a beautiful crochet hook?  I purchased it from an artisan booth
at Silver Dollar City this month, but they have an online shop called Dewberry Ridge.
If you are interested in any of their gorgeous hand turned wood crochet hooks or knitting
needles, you can find them here.

This yarn I picked up at Michael's yesterday with my coupon, of course.
The colors couldn't be more perfect.
To me, creating is something that is as much a part of my day as eating.
When I sit down, I pick up something to knit or crochet.  I usually have several projects
going at once.  I'm like that. 
I like to make up flower patterns for Lindsey to use in her scrapbooking.
She likes that!

When we discovered blogs, we couldn't wait each day to read our favorite ones.
We tentatively decided to try blogging ourselves, not sure if we could be
interesting or inspiring.  It was a slow start. 
The thought of getting to know some of these amazing women was just a dream.
I can say now that I have friends all over the world and cherish this
blogging community.  So many of you are part of my everyday thoughts and I feel
like I know you!

If you were with me last summer you may remember my 'virtual' walk to Deb's house.
One day while I was out walking, I had the idea that if I had an imaginary destination,
it would be more fun to walk.

I figured out the mileage from my house to hers, which was over 600 miles,
and started my journey.  It has taken me a long time with many days not getting
very far and some days not at all, but I finally made it!
Look at the beautiful guest room that Deb had ready for me!
If I'd known how lovely it was, I would have walked faster!

Well, my friends, thank you so much for visiting with me today.
I wish you all much happiness!


  1. Oh, Twyla...I think what you do is definitely art, dear friend! I do love that quote...it's perfect.

    Your friend will be so thrilled with your gift--so thoughtful of you!

    Hope your night is wonderful...


  2. What a lovely gift. You are definitely an artist! Art is creating a thing of beauty. To create a thing of beauty that is also useful is a bonus.

    I saw the satin yarn by Bernat at JoAnns recently. It felt so soft. I will be interested in how you like crocheting with it.

  3. P.S. I definitely spotted your crochet hook. I will look up that website. It is a beauty.

  4. Morning Twyla,
    Soo...now that you are here, what shall we do first?!!!
    Love the color of your new yarn and those flowers are fun to craft with!
    Have a lovely day!
    deb :)

  5. Hi Twyla.

    Thanks for fvisitng me today...I must say lookinga round your blog...I lve you work and your style...I will be back to see you again..hope you do the same..

    those crochet hooks are very nice too...a family treasure for sure.

  6. Deb's guest room IS beautiful, and I've called dibs on it next!
    Now that gardening season is over, I'm looking forward to crafting more, and your blog and Elizabeth's will be the ones that inspire me the most!
    Have a lovely day!

  7. What a sweet post! I love your crochet and that hook is beautiful! I'm inspired to start something else now. Have a great rest of the week. :) Tammy

  8. Hi Twyla on Tuesday, How wonderful to share with us the end of the rainbow! Your dear friend's welcoming room is wonderful. It is so sweet to me that you crochet flowers for Lindsey. Such a lucky pair you are! Elizabeth

  9. Hi Twyla, What a lovely 'walk'. Your artistry is very eveident in everything you touch.

  10. Hello my dear artist friend! I think your crotched flowers are the perfect touch to lindsey's crafts! Well, I was wondering if you were still "walking" to Deb's! What a nice guest room!

    I'm having a very quick Internet check today! ♥

  11. You create such beautiful things, an art!
    I love your flowers so delicate and pretty.

    Have a beauty filled day. xxxx

  12. Love that quote Twyla and It's exactly how I feel when I'm "making stuff"! The yarn you chose is dreamy...love the colors. I am so indecisive...I want one of your hot pads and can't decide on a color. I'll figure it out soon. :D

  13. Thanks for stopping by and telling me about the satin yarn. I am going to look for a project to make with it. I do like your color choice too!

  14. I do not agree with you when you say that 'what you are doing is not art'.

    You are creative and you create with your brain and your hands so it is art in my point of view.
    You create with yarn, others with paper or brushes. It makes no difference.

    Have a nice day.

    ♥ Hélène Glehen - a French artist, fond of roses and romantic stuff ♥

  15. Hi Twyla...
    I smiled at the thought of you in Michaels using your coupon. That is my world now, at least for the holiday season! If you lived in my town, I would "ring you up" at the register. The problem with that is we would never want to say good-bye!

    I can totally agree with the quote...but art is within us. Sometimes folks think that craft or handiwork or some such description is less. In my eyes, all we create is art. Anything taken from nothing and made into something is art. That puts your work in the art category for sure in my eyes.


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