Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Twyla on Tuesday

Hello my dear friends!
I didn't want the month of October to get away before
I mentioned something I feel is very important.

I am sharing some pretty 'pink' images with you while I encourage you
all to be sure and have your mammograms and be conscious of breast health.

I have lost an aunt to the disease and went through it with my best friend who
is a survivor.  I've also had two cousins who have survived and have another who
is currently undergoing chemo.  You all mean so much to me that I want you to
be sure and stay on top of this because early detection is so vital.

I was so very lucky to have won Donna, of Brynwood Needleworks, giveaway!
She was giving away two lap quilts and I was one of the lucky winners.
This is the way I received it, so thoughtfully packaged.
Donna loves acorns so she tied a sweet little acorn to the ribbon.

Isn't it beautiful?!  It is big enough for a twin bed and I absolutely adore the
vintage nine patch pattern and cheery fabric. 
Donna is an amazing artist.  I am always impressed with her creations
and if you haven't visited her, take some time today to say hello.
She posts every day and shares so much of her creative life with everyone.

Besides being a crafter and antique fanatic, not to mention blogaholic, I am also
Mom to three dogs.  Part of each day is spent caring for these little guys needs.
Believe me, they bring me so much joy and love I don't mind anything I have to do for
them.  Today we went outside for a 'usual' break.  I took my camera along to catch some
memories.  Something caught their eyes on the other side of the fence.

See what had their attention?  The neighbor dog is a buddy of theirs but
I don't know where the kitty came from. 

We had so much fun over the weekend participating in Vanessa's Halloween Party.
We always enjoy creating these events.  Thank you for letting us get our spook on
and create something spooky and creepy for a change.  Thank you for all your fun
and kind comments on the post!  We enjoy your thoughts so much!

Thanks for stopping by and visiting with me today!
Wishing you much happiness!


  1. A wonderful reminder, Twyla--thank-you so much! Love that sweet vintage "facts of life" image!

    The quilt you won is just beautiful--lucky you!

    And your Halloween party??? WOW! You girls really know how to get things done!

    Hope your night is wonderful, dear friend!


  2. Hi,

    What a lovely way to prompt us ladies out here! We should always keep on top of things like that no matter how busy life gets, we all know someone who has been affected in some way.
    I love the facts of life image, I have a feeling that it will be lonr before I have to use those very words!! my son is growing up fast!!!!
    You organise a great party!!, have fun.
    Andrea x

  3. Good Morning Twyla! I have no right to complain about one white puppy when you have three! The cutest photo of the "pair" that came to visit! Thank you for the reminder I need to hear. Elizabeth

  4. Twyla these photos are so beautiful and a wonderful reminder for this month. Thank you.

    Your gift looks so lovely and so do your gorgeous dogs, we have three dogs as well two papillons and one poodle they are a delight!

    Have a wonderful and inspiring week. xxx

  5. hi,

    congrats on the quilt and thank you for the adorable images. your dogs are so cute!

    your halloween pics were fantastic.

    happy week!


  6. Thank you for this gentle reminder. This is the time of year I usually set up that appt.
    That first image you used is soo cute.
    Congratulations on winning the giveaway. What a beautiful quilt she made.

  7. Sweet reminder to all of us. I too am a survivor and I had a scare just this month. There is a breast cancer that not many know about called Inflammatory Breast Cancer. It is just a rash and itch on the breast,no lump so please have anything not normal checked.
    Honey so happy you won Donna's awesome giveaway. Isn't she just the best. Love her work and your piece is beautiful. I know you will enjoy it forever.
    Miss my visits by here

  8. Thanks for the reminder..really something I need to have done for sure...love seeing the picture of your dogs...so cute...so his their buddy and his friend the kitty...:)....blesssings

  9. You and I have more and more in common. Besides wonderful daughters and our love for all things cute...I'm a dog mom to three also. Two poms and a little chihuahua. You may have read that my two poms are getting married on Halloween!
    Wink, life is good!
    Cheers to dog days ahead!

  10. Hi Twyla,
    Just a quick peek at your post today...Nice lap blanket you won..very cute photo of the "boys"
    Talk to you Sunday PM!!
    deb :)

  11. Heed the words of our dear Twyla! I just had a breast cancer scare myself and am still recuperating from a Biopsy and raw nerves.

    Mammos are out there - take advantage of them!!

    Great pics and congrats on your lucky win!


  12. Hi Twyla! Oh, I'm so happy for you that you got Donna's beautiful quilt! You lucky girl...I'm so jealous!...Your little dogs are just adorable! xo Paulette

  13. Hi Twyla:
    "The Girls" and I are scheduled for our annual party in November. Much prefer the procedure to the alternative. Everyone should heed your words and get a mammogram...or in my case, "mammogramma". lol

    So glad you like your quilt, and very happy you were the winner.

    Love your three white doglets...and the photo of the schnauzer and cat is just plain precious!


  14. Twyla, I admired that quilt when Donna showed it on her blog! What a lovely gift and I like the way she packaged it too.

    October is my 7 year survivor month. I am now a breast cancer activist...it takes just a little time to have a mammogram. The treatment for breast cancer is like getting a part time job! Early detection is the best and worth the inconvenience in our busy schedule!

  15. Twyla,

    I see today was post about our quilt & Donna day. Aren't we just the luckiest girls? Thank you for stopping by to visit. Soooooooooooo funny that we both posted about this at the same time. Enjoy you treasure as I will mine. Have a great week. Charlene

  16. Wonderful images and a great reminder! Thanks for sharing, blessings Nan
    PS: Your little dogs sure look interested in that kitty! What a cute pic.

  17. Congrats on the win, Twyla! I sure do miss you! ♥


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