Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Twyla on Tuesday

Hello dear friends!
I am really embarrassed to once again tell you
that the work on our craftroom continues.  We don't
mean to be a tease.  Honest!  It is a huge undertaking
because we have too much stuff!

There are a few surfaces that are getting resolved, but there are many more
surfaces that are covered with - a Mess!  We even have two sewing
machines that are going to have to find homes.  Good luck to us!

I will tell you the paint colors we chose though! 
We put a lot of thought into the paint we would use because
of the wall surface we had to cover.  We didn't want to have to prime
and we didn't want to have to put on two coats.  So we purchased Valspar Hi Def
for superb coverage.   One coat did the room!

The majority of the room is painted this pretty blue called
Cincinnatian Hotel Abbey.
It's a nice cross between aqua and baby blue.

This pink we put in one corner of the room is called
Rose Buff.  It's a lovely antique pink.
We are extremely happy with the colors we chose. 
This particular paint also dries fast and is low odor.
We highly recommend it!

We keep showing snippets of this cabinet.  It was quite
a shock when we went into an antique store and found the same cabinets as
Elizabeth's craft cabinet.  We have the two side cupboards but not the center.
We had to have them!  They are long and we had to bring them home
one at a time in my old car.  Another reason we are two crazy crafters.

Please be patient with us, there will be a proper unveiling soon.
We just want it to look nice when we let you in.
Thanks for being so understanding.
Have a nice week, everyone!


  1. Oh, my goodness, ladies! I'm loving the little peeks you're giving us--and the colors you chose knock my socks off! LOVE those two colors together--well done!

    I can't believe you found another "Elizabeth" cabinet--lucky you! Can't wait to see what you fill it with...

    Don't worry about us...we'll be excited to see the grand unveiling whenever it's done!

    Hope you're having a wonderful night!


  2. I LOVE what I see so far! The colors you chose are superb! Just my kind of colors!

  3. I can already tell this is going to be the cutest craft room. The colors are scrumptious and how great to have paint that covers in one coat. It just warms my heart to read about mother and daughter working on this project together and sharing so many interests. Can't wait for the big reveal.
    Have a wonderful day.

  4. Take your time ladies, best things come to those who wait!

    I love the colours you choose too,

    Victoria xx

  5. I love the colors and can't wait to see your room!

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  6. Twyla, I'm just DYIN' to see what you two girls have done!!!!! Have a great day. See you again soon.

  7. No appologies needed, girls! Take your time and enjoy! The jars look so cute! It's giving me some ideas! You girls must have flipped when you saw those cabniets! Whoda thought! congrats! ♥

  8. Thank you for your visit to my blog. I am following you now and look forward to reading your blog and getting to know you.

  9. I KNEW it! The cabinets! I truly am on pins and needles here because I know how wonderful it is going to be! But great things take time - I DO understand.
    The " big reveal" is going to be so much fun!

  10. What you have shown us is wonderful...these things take time for sure...I am sure it will be worthy of a magazine lay out when done...where women create maybe....the colors you have chosen are so sweet and serene...love them...blessings to you two girls...

  11. Ahhhhh you tease, but in the best way. We'll all be patient, but it's hard ya know. When you're done there, can you come out and help me finish mine? LOL


  12. Oh my goodness, you would have thought that Elizabeth's cabinet was one of a kind! What a fun addition to your craft room. I really love the colors you chose for the walls, and I'll have to remember that paint brand, because I am definitely a one-coat type of girl!

  13. Hi ladies,

    Thank you for stopping by and following my blog.
    Your craft room looks like it will be a room filled with inspiration.

    The blue/white sewing basket looks familiar. I have one that is a little bit larger. I received it when i was in the 3rd grade and I am now 56! Definitely vintage.

    Big hugs,

  14. I love your jars and the tiered baskets. Very pretty!



  16. Love the colors you have chosen. And have no doubt of the huge undertaking it is. I can't even get one drawer organized -- much less a whole room. Wishing you all the best. :) Tammy

  17. Yes, yes, some of my very favorite colors. Don't feel you must apologize. It is good to see some of your lovely things again!!!


  18. I can tell already that it's going to be good...and so YOU!!

  19. Wow! I can't believe you found cabinets like Elizabeth's! I would have bet the farm on hers having been hand painted. Do you have any idea what furniture company made them? I'm so curious. Enjoy! They are so precious.

    I love your paint choices. We painted three rooms over the summer - I had hoped to make that four and do my craft area/catchall room but husband was pooped (I don't blame him one bit - I HATE painting!). I love your pink, that's the sweetest ever.

    Can't wait to see the end result, I know it will be charming!

    Happy Tuesday,

  20. What lovely items you have!! I do so love them all!! Enjoy your newly decorated space!
    Hugs, Lisa

  21. sweet. love the sneak peeks. great colors and fabulous collections of fun stuff! enjoy and have fun...

  22. Your craft area is already looking FABULOUS!!! I know I'm going to want to redo mine after seeing your completed project! Awesome ideas!!!

  23. Super fantastic this peek. Can't wait for more! E

  24. Ladies, I am going back over some your old post (enjoying every minute) when I ran across E's cabinet. I had to tell you I stopped everything one day recently to show my husband E's cabinet and tell him that if I found it somewhere I was not going to ask him if I could buy it, I was simply going to come home with it. It would be the one thing I had to have. You are both so lucky. I only hope you left me a few as I do a lot of fleas and antiques in Missouri! Beautiful Blog...


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