Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Twyla on Tuesday

Hello dear friends!
You are used to me showing new treasures that I
have discovered.  This week I share with you my new car!
It's an '05 Pontiac Grand Prix and it suits me just right!
It's a pretty silver color and is my new antique finding car. 
Yippee!  Here I come!

If you supersize the picture you can also see my new haircut.  Got my haircut
Friday night also.  I am pretty happy with it.

I was commisioned to make a baby blanket.  It is very non-traditional in the colors that
were needed.  The mother- to- be doesn't care for pink or baby colors.  The bedding
is a combination of these colors.  After making it, I think it would be very pretty for an
autumn baby.

I'm dreaming of what is to come this fall.  It is full of surprises here at
Two Crazy Crafters.  We can hardly wait to share with you all we have up
our sleeves. 
I'm also dreaming of the summer that has passed and wondering why it had
to go by so fast.  We had our share of fun and leisure time, got lots of
crafting done and enjoyed the inspiration of so many of the wonderful blogging ladies
out there.  The passing seasons are sad to me as I lament over how quickly time
flies.  I am trying to remind myself to make the most of each day and enjoy
the experiences and companionships of those around me. 
Make it a good day, make a little time to create and lot of time for fun!


  1. What a great new car, Twyla...and I love your new 'do!

    Such a great baby blanket--those really ARE non-traditional colors for a baby, aren't they? It really looks wonderful together, though!

    Hope you had a lovely Labor Day with your family...


  2. Hi Twyla, I just had to source some zoo fabric for a new baby so maybe there is a trend emerging!just crocheted a blanket for little bee and it looked like those pink and white marshmallows!it is now officially the 'magic'blanket as it sends her to sleep!

  3. Love your haircut and new car! And I'm so happy someone commissioned you to make a baby blanket - hope you get MANY more orders!!!

  4. Hi Twyla,

    Love the haircut, it's so hard to improve on perfection though. Nice lookin' wheels, sounds like you're gonna' need a huge trunk!

    I kind of like the unconventional colors on the baby afghan, it looks like it ties in with a jungle theme.


  5. My dear Twyla,your car is beautiful as you are also...why are you hiding behind that car....smile...doing one of my tricks I see...may God bless you with lots of miles,travel mercies and service from your new car....the baby blanket you crocheted is so lovely..congrats to the new mother...blessings,Shelley

  6. Congratulations on the new car...looks like you'll be treasure hunting in style :)

    The blanket is beautiful and would be so pretty for an autumn baby...
    I'll be looking forward to more of your upcoming fall posts...
    Hope you girls have a happy day!
    Big Hugs,

  7. Hi Twyla. You must feel totally renewed. New car, new haircut, both of which are darling. Now those are some pick-me-ups I could use. I'm so happy for you. I'll be watching with bells on for all y'alls upcoming post. The baby blanket is precious and I like the fall colors alot.

    Hugs...Tracy :)

  8. Love your haircut...you look so young!! Pretty fall colors!

  9. Look at those wheels...ready to take you to far off garage sale places!

    Love your new hair cute...cute as can be on you Twyla!

    Both you and Lindsey make like my "Baby Goods" post today. Cute always cures the blues!

  10. Hi Twyla! Both you and the car look great!
    And I love your baby blanket, too.

  11. You look so cute with your new "do" next to your new car. I hope it has a big trunk so that you can fill it with more treasures. :).
    Love the baby afghan you made. So pretty for a fall baby.
    I look forward to hearing about the excitement you have up your sleeve.

  12. Congrats on the new car! I like your new hair-do, it's very pretty. The baby blanket is beautiful with that color combination.

  13. Hi Twyla,
    Your new cut is adorable and you will love the easy-to-care-for style I bet! Wishing you lots of good adventures in your new wheels...are you going to name her? Can't wait to see what you girls are cooking up for fall. Your crochet work is so fine..I think I neeeed one of your hotpads. I just need to decide on a colorway>
    Have a great week-we're at the beach and having a fun time!

  14. Your hair cut looks lovely and so does your new car. The summer vanished over night it seemed. That's because here it was filled with sunshine and warm temps nearly every day. That was a real treat to us here in the rain soaked Pacific Northwest coast! I'm looking forward to your new ideas.

  15. I don't know, I love the car, but I think you should have gotten a truck for all the wonderful treasures you find.

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  16. Nice car ! Congratulations !! Love the warm, yummy blanket :)

  17. Hey girl!
    I just came up for air this very minute and you were the first blogger friend I wanted to visit. How the heck are you?
    Love the new ride and cut. Sassy! Does it come with a rack for hauling furniture? lol
    I have been under the gun the last couple weeks. My friends jewelry line (on Etsy and at my store) is going to be featured on the Today Show tomorrow am. I have been a painting fool getting the store in shape and then helping her prepare on top of it. One tired but productive puppy here.
    Hope to be more regular in my visits.
    xoxo Lisa & Alfie

  18. Ooo! Twyla, you are so cute with your new doo and car! Silver just like Edward's original volvo! I love you, girl!

    Your commisioned blanket is perfect for Autumn! You make such wonderful things! I can hardly believe summer is over either. I know I'll enjoy my Fall on the farm! Don't know how much crafting I'll get done but I *will* have fun! ♥

  19. It's so fun to see a baby blanket in the non-traditional colors. You really have created the perfect autumn blanket. I'm also making a non-traditional baby blanket in shades of purple. Won't it be fun to see if the blankets get passed down to the baby's babies!
    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I have become a follower but my little icon is missing so it will just be one of the generic silhouette pictures.

  20. Very nice car! And I clicked on your photo to see your new haircut! I love it! I got mine ALL cut off today! I may need to let it grow just a little before I show a photo! heehee! ♥

  21. Congrats for your new car, wonderful!!! and your new hair cut is totally right for you, look so cute!!!


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