Thursday, September 23, 2010

Craft Room Progress?

Hi All!
Wish we could say we were almost done with our redo, but
sad to say, there is still much to do.

All these pretty bits and bobs to put away.
Problem is, the room was used as storage so much has to be reconciled
before we get it in the condition in our vision. 
We don't want Christmas tree boxes and other household duldrums
messing up our creative space!

We continue to work with the hope of having it ready for a
reveal soon.  Please be patient with us.

Oh, how I look forward to sitting down and making something with all
this pretty yarn!
Hopefully, before too long.
Have a wonderful day, dear friends. 
Our thoughts are with you!
Twyla and Lindsey


  1. Oh, I just love those sweet little ballerinas perched on top of wonderful ribbons and yarns...lovely!

    Speed isn't important in getting it done...but getting it done JUST the way you want it to be! Looking forward to seeing the finished product!

    Hope you're both having a wonderful night!


  2. Well looks like you girls are making progress! My room is a total mess! Help! oxox, Diane

  3. Can't wait to see it!! I am sure it will be gorgeous!

  4. Enjoy the process, girls! ♥

  5. Have fun with the redo. I know it is gonna be fantastic! I need to get organized around here. Maybe then I could find the time and the movitation to get back to crafting something. :/ Best wishes Tammy

  6. Thanks so much for adding my blog to the ones you follow! I see you are in Missouri, I'm originally from Springfield. Can't wait to see the unveiling of the craft room and your wonderful ideas! Please post them on our group page on Facebook...Granny Mountain. So many great blogs out there and I find them everyday!

  7. Have fun with the redo. Looking forward to the big reveal! Also, if you ever need to find a new home for the Cowardly Lion, from your previous post, well, he's got one here! ~ Angela

  8. There must be something in the air. So many people I know, myself included, have been diving into reorganizing lately. It's like as soon as the Fall weather hit, we were all hit with a burst of energy!

    Or, we've all been watching too much "Hoarders"!

  9. All right, I will try to keep my grumbling to a minimum and wait patiently. For you two, I'll do it.
    Well, at least I'll try.

  10. Lovely colors...I can't wait to see the new room!!

    Happy Day,


  11. I love reorganizing my crafting room. I love the process and the outcome. I guess it's because everything seems so fresh and new! Just moving things about creates a whole new feeling of discovery for me!
    Good luck!

  12. Looks like some very lovely items to go into that craft room!

  13. It looks like you're making headway! I just want to add a big, Me too!! There are plans for shelves that I need so badly. I straighten things up in here, but as soon as I make something...there it is, all over the place again. Right now the supplies are crowded on the workspace, so the bed gets the's a real mess!

  14. Looks like progress is taking place. I'm anxious to see the newly decorated space.

    Love the yarns. They will make something very pretty.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. You have some fantastic ribbon up there!


  17. You have some fantastic ribbon up there!


  18. You have some fantastic ribbon up there!


  19. Dear Twyla, so great you are making your own crafty space, this is really a very good news!!! So much fun having one´s own space... I´m also making myself one, and as you, have to put away lots of things.
    I´m so happy that you have visited my blog. I promise I will visit you more often, I have missed so much.
    much joy,
    maria cecilia

  20. What a project eh? I've been working on my happy room weekly. I think the room comes alive at night and all the gnomes and Barbies and clowns come out and mess it up. I'm so wilted the next morning when I tackle it again...tally ho, away you both go. There is a light at the end of the tunnel!

  21. Looking forward to seeing what you have done for this transformation.

    Happy Sunday!


  22. I'm working on that room right now too.... So small with sooo many things.. I thought I'd be finished by now too.... Not even close. Looking forward to seeing your reveal.

    Warm blessings,


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