Saturday, August 14, 2010

Saturday Images

Happy Saturday, dear friends!
I would like to share some more of the beautiful postcards
that I received for my birthday.

The one below is dated 1908 and addressed to Miss Carrie Hallderman.
It says, 'Do you remember the Carrollton fair?
I love to think about the lives of the people who sent these postcards.

Someone with an April birthday received this beautiful postcard featuring
roses and birds.

I hope you've enjoyed seeing more of my postcard collection.
As always, feel free to use these wonderful images in your artwork.
Have a beautiful Saturday!


  1. Hi Twyla. They are so pretty. I can just imagine the huge collection you have. Thanks for always being so generous and sharing your collection with us.

    Have a terrific weekend. Hugs...Tracy :)

    P.S. I'm having a giveaway. I hope you stop by and enter.

  2. Oh I love these as I do all the postcards you post.

  3. Such beautiful treasures, Twyla! I love reading the backs of these vintage beauties almost as much as I love looking at the fronts! So much history, and I find myself doing the same thing...wondering about the people involved and their lives...just for a moment...

    Hope you're having a lovely weekend, my friend!


  4. Wouldn't you love to get postcards in the mail instead of bills!
    Enjoy your weekend.
    linens lace and lattes

  5. Beautiful images on these postcards! Thanks for sharing them with me:) HUGS!

  6. I know what you mean about wondering about the lives of the people that sent and received these cards. Heck I'm just amazed that folks actually took the time and made the effort to send these quick little messages to each other. They are just so sweet and charming. I think I'm gonna start a postcard blitz of my family. They won't know what's up :-)

  7. Ooo! I want to know what happened at the fair! ;)

  8. Wonderful postcards and I'm with Holly, I want to know what happened at that fair?! Have a wonderful weekend, Nan

  9. What beautiful birthday treats! They are all so eye-pleasing and girly. Hope you had a wonderful birthday!

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  10. beautiful vintage postcards. i love the one with the two birds. have a fun weekend. dogwood

  11. Cute imagens!!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  12. Just wanted to shout out a thanks for coming by to visit and entering my blog you picked pepper pickers. Hee-hee.

    Have a wonderful Sunday girls. ooxx's...Tracy :)

  13. I love to collect post cards! A recent hobby of mine. My friend that goes junking with me hates this obsession of mine because she says the dust is too much. I always check the dates and daydream about who sent them and what they were talking about. Yesterday I went out with some friends and one of the coasters was a post card. We all signed it and sent it to a friend who's husband is away with the military. No one in the group knew how special that moment was for me. I'm going to have to send post cards :)

  14. Hi Twyla!
    Thank you so much for always sharing your lovely card collection with us! I look forward to catching up here with you both as soon as hubby's summer vacation is over.
    Happy week to you,

  15. So happy I found your blog this morning - going to be following you both. Thanks for the lovley pictures!


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