Monday, August 2, 2010

My trip to CHA!!

Hello friends!
Last week was the Summer Craft and Hobby Trade Show in Chicago and I was lucky enough to get the chance to go!
As you may know I work for a scrapbook store. Twice a year the owner goes to CHA to order paper lines for Fall and Winter. After the Trade show we set up a booth at the Super Show that is available to the public!
On our first day in Chicago we took a boat tour along the Navy Pier. Chicago was amazing place!

As fun as it was to explore the city, I couldn't wait to get to the show! I took over 600 photos at the show of many amazing projects and layouts!
Our first stop was the Maya Road booth. This company sells embellishments. Mostly chipboard books, ribbon and trinkets.
Here are a few projects that I loved!!

Most booths offered make n takes, which are quick mini projects that can be created in a couple of minutes using the company's new products.
I love this sewing machine banner!

Graphic 45 is one of my most favorite companies! Their new Halloween in Wonderland is awesome!! It's a beautiful combination of Alice in Wonderland illustrations and Halloween whimsy!

Their booth was amazing!!! But more amazing was the wonderful people from Graphic 45! I was lucky enough to be introduced to several members of the Graphic 45 team! I brought my Bathing Beauties mini album that I recently shared on the blog to show them and they asked me if they could display it on the counter throughout the day!!!!! I was so honored and thrilled that they liked my book! And it was so cool to go by the booth and see others looking at it and taking it's picture!!!!!!

Another exciting stop was to see a few of the many amazing Tim Holtz samples using his new die cuts.

This display by Pink Paislee was breathtaking!!!
I can't wait to start playing with all my newest ideas! I feel very inspired!

I hope you enjoyed seeing these first pictures of my trip! I will continue to share more photos of my adventure this week!!

Happy Crafting, Lindsey


  1. Hi Lindsey:
    I can just read the excitement in your words. Trade shows were always great fun for me. I know what you mean about "inspiration"! Looking forward to more photos. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hi Lindsey,

    Wow, I'm so jealous. I was invited, but didn't have the funds to travel......maybe next year. Congratulations on the honor of displaying your book......what a treat.


  3. DD who is an avid paper crafter just ordered Tim Holtz's new autographed book!! She is just crazy for his creations!!
    So glad you had a good time!
    Have a Great Day!

  4. How very much fun !

    Lots of creativity going on there.


  5. Oh Lindsey! What a boost for you to have them ASK to display your work! I'm so glad you were able to go.
    Okay- next post, I want to see a pic of YOU! ♥

  6. Oh that looks like so much fun! I can't even imagine how many ideas you have spiraling through your head, ha!


  7. Great picture of Chicago. Wonderful pictures from the convention. I love all the sweet crafts that you posted. One of my crafting friends from Northern CA was there and her name is Lindsay! I am glad you were able to go and saw inspiring things.
    Have a fun day. Cory/Dogwood

  8. How exciting for you Lindsey! I loved seeing the photos, and I look forward to seeing more.

  9. What an exciting trip for you Lindsey!! So much to see, so much to learn! :-)

  10. Hi Lindsey, Looks like it was a fun and inspiring time. We will be heading to Chicago on Friday as our return flight to Kuwait is Sunday nite. Always enjoy staying there at the beginning and end of our trips to the States.

    Love your newest afghan Twyla. Great colors. And happy belated birthday to you. I will definitely be using some of the old postcard graphics in projects when I get back home.

    Best wishes for the week ahead, Tammy

  11. Hi Lindsey, Looks like it was a fun and inspiring time. We will be heading to Chicago on Friday as our return flight to Kuwait is Sunday nite. Always enjoy staying there at the beginning and end of our trips to the States.

    Love your newest afghan Twyla. Great colors. And happy belated birthday to you. I will definitely be using some of the old postcard graphics in projects when I get back home.

    Best wishes for the week ahead, Tammy

  12. Ohhh, I think CHA would be a blast! Seeing all the new stuff, seeing everyone elses items, getting ideas, meeting people, etc. I can hear it in your voice not enough words to describe all you enjoyed that day. Thanks for sharing this!:)

  13. Lindsey, I am sneaking in on my blogging break because I was so excited to hear about your trip! Congratulations on your wonderful news! From day one I have thought you have something special and innate about your ability to create well. I have learned everything I know about paper from your tutorials. You are a natural teacher as well. So glad you had such a fun time. Thank you for sharing all that you do! Elizabeth

  14. You big lucky! How wonderful you got to go to CHA Lindsey! A friend of mine had a scrapbook store here in L.A. and I hinted LOUDLY to her about my desire to go but no luck. WAH! How fun it must have been to get to see all the new stuff. And what a wonderful and proud moment to be asked to display your book! I bet you were wearing a smile around the clock.

    Happy week to you,

  15. So lucky you were able to attend!!! It's so much fun!!! G45 does an amazing job with their booth.



  16. What fabulous effort everyone put into there displays, I'm looking forward to seeing more pictures from your trip,

    Victoria xx


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