Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Twyla on Tuesday

Hello sweet friends!
It was a good weekend for me!
This is a group photo of my weekend finds!

Once upon a time there was a lady who loved to go antiquing.
There were so many things she found appealing.

She loved most everything vintage
and simply swooned over things from an earlier age.

Cute little jars with clock faces
had always been elusive unless she paid high prices.

Dishes were a weakness.
"I'd spend my last dollar on a dish", everyone was her witness.

I hope you enjoyed my rhyme
and my weekend finds.

This is my latest afghan I'm finishing up.  It's called Magic Carpet Ride.
It's always so much fun to have you come visit me.
Enjoy your Tuesday!


  1. It looks like you have a great weekend. Look at all your fab finds! I also love the colors in your Magic Carpet Ride afghan. Beautiful, my dear friend!

  2. Your "new - old" things are amazing! My eye went right straight to that baby planter! I have never seen jars with clock faces on them. Enjoyed seeing your lovely afghan and reading your clever poem! xoxoxo

  3. Hey Twyla. Love all your pretties that you found. I adore those clock face jars. I've never seen them before either. Crocheting looks so relaxing to me yet I look and feel so spastic when I try. (I can only do a chain stitch). Your afghans going to be so pretty.

    Hugs...Tracy :)

    P.S. I have a giveaway ending tomorrow and would love to have you enter.

  4. goooooood stuff! I love everything and especially that clock face jar. I have added that to my list of things I will be looking for. Have a great day.

  5. Hi Twyla,

    Wow, you've found some definate goodies. I love the tile and the clockface jar. I'll be starting your puppy this weekend and should have it off to you ladies in less than two weeks.


  6. Oh, oh, OH!! I love that clock jar! I've never seen one of those. Now I am going to have to start looking for one. Great goodies you found there! - Kathy

  7. What a fun post...love your finds and your rhyme! I especially love the little roses dish.

    In the other post down below...I would agree that that little house piggy bank was too cute too pass up...I love that!

    Love the little tag Lindsey made too...
    Hope you girls have a happy and creative week :)
    Big Hugs,

  8. P.S. Your afghans are so pretty, and I love how you name them!

  9. The rhyme is very sweet..just like YOU!
    The little red and white shelf is darling :) sure caught my eye!
    Another pretty afghan!
    Happy Tuesday!
    Deb :)

  10. Why you little poet you! ☺

    A clock face jar! Too cute! I wonder when it was made and what it originally housed??? Jelly?

    The little red and white shelfy thingy caught my eye, too. And of course the planter. :) My antique mall has some planters but none too cute.

    I heard Magic Carpet Ride in a movie recently. Such a fun song! ♥

  11. You're so right about that jar with the clock face! Every time I see one, I pick it up, look at the price and set it right back down. Verrrry expensive. I'm so glad you found one in your price range! I love that red spice rack too. I have a shelf and knife holder that match it. You have such a great eye for finding sweet treasures!

  12. What fun finds!

    I'd never seen a clock-faced jar before! Thanks so much for sharing. Love it!!


  13. WOW! Love the jar with the red top...and is that a little spice shelf? Very nice! ♥

  14. Good Morning Twyla Sweetie...
    Oh thank you for taking me on your Magic Carpet Ride of Rhymes today. I have had so much fun.

    I adore the little trivet, Little Miss Muffet has always been one of my favs as I do not like spiders either. I love the vintage fan and oh my gosh it that jar ever cute. A clock face imagine that. I have never seen one like that. What a find.

    Thank you so much for sharing with me today. I have so enjoyed my ride. Your afghan is breathtaking. I love the colors, they are SO beautiful. I so wish I could crochet.

    Have a gorgeous day sweet friend. Country hugs and much love, Sherry

  15. What a facinating thought...a magic carpet ride on a Tuesday morning. Where shall we land dear Twyla...in Chicago or Denver or Houston...we will go junkin and flea market finding and antique to our hearts content...
    By the way, if I were to vote...I would vote for Ms. Muffett today!

  16. So much beauty in all your looty! Sorry, couldn't resist. Cute post and lovely treasures. I'm enjoying seeing all your finished crochet projects. Maybe one day I will have some finished projects to show instead of just works-in-progress. :)

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  17. Hi Twyla!
    What a lot of loot you found and such goodies! I especially love your Little Miss Muffet tile/trivet (???) and your jar with the clock face (I've never seen one before).
    Woe is me. We went to an "Estate Sale" on Saturday - so disappointing. Everything was filthy dirty and beaten up or broken. I was so sad. I had had such high hopes. WAH!
    Happy Tuesday to you!

  18. Hallo,tanks for your visit to my blog.Your blog is very beautiful!Kisses from Italy

  19. Fabulous finds! I got some great goodies antiquing this weekend, too :)

  20. Wow, I wish I could find "finds" like those. Lovely.

  21. Wow, I wish I could find "finds" like those. Lovely.

  22. i love your grouping of finds. what greatness. love the afghan!

  23. The jar with the clock is adorable.

    Victoria xx

  24. Thanks for visiting my blog with your congrats Twyla! Those are somegreat finds! I especially love the mirror!Happy Summer!

    Sandy xox

  25. Oh lucky lucky you! I adore that jar! And little miss Muffett!!
    Enjoy your tresaures!
    Hugs, Lisa

  26. I have a coffee grinder like the one in the first picture--or I think that is what it is. It belonged to my grandmother.

  27. Hi Twyla! Catching up on my fellow bloggers today - I suppose it's a good thing we don't shop together, because I might have to knock you down in order to get to stuff first! :):) Kidding. But seriously - we SO do love the same things.
    You may or may not remember that I have posted about my complete love for and addiction to those little wooden spice racks like the red and white one you found. I have numerous colors, and also little shelves and knife racks that match. I can't seem to get enough of them- they're mostly in my kitchen. As always, LOVING all of your great finds! Sweet stuff!

  28. Love your finds! I never find anything as cool as that at the markets!!! That clock face jar is amazing!!!

  29. Hi guys! I'm catching up on July posts! This is in response to your 7.13 one about your weekend finds.

    The Little Miss Muffet tile is sooo cute - I wonder what it was originally used for. Love the glass jar with the clock face, too!

    I'm curious about the red and white daffodil spice shelf - it looks in pristine condition. Is it original paint, or repainted? I have one, but it's well-worn!


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