Friday, July 30, 2010

Beautiful Postcards

These are some of the postcards from an antique postcard album I received for my birthday. 
The album was dated 1913.

I would like to, from time to time, share these beautiful images with you.
Feel free to use them in your crafting.

Have a wonderful day!


  1. Your postcards are wonderful....I have not been around much this summer, it has been very busy, but I will come when I can. I went back and looked at some posts I had missed...I always love coming here...Hugs, Mary

  2. I am so sorry I missed your Birthday I have really been busy and blogging is bottom on the list sorry to say I have had to work a lot and have had little free time. Happy Belated Birthday oxox, Diane

  3. Very pretty postcards, Twyla.
    I had to scroll back and read about your birthday party. I remember from the past how good your family is at celebrating birthdays and I see this year was no exception. I love Lindsey's big post cards. Belated Birthday greeings to you.

  4. Thanks Twyla! Love these beautiful cards! Have a blessed day my friend! HUGS!

  5. I completely adore vintage postcards. You certainly did receive some beauties inside your lovely gift album!! Lucky lady!

  6. Oh my! What pretty post cards! I can't believe you got a whole album! What a gift! ♥

  7. Those definitely are beautiful postcards. I am in a fun crafting group and this summer we sent postcards to each other. I sent all vintage postcards which were loved by all!

  8. They're lovely! I hope you get that rain after all. We got some and it is thankfully cooler now. Hugs! Sandy

  9. Tywla,
    These are so pretty! I got an envelope from Elizabeth and guess what was inside???? A pait of your adorable crocheted cherries! They are going on my banner! :):)

  10. Hi Twyla Sweetie...
    How beautiful these cards are. I so love it when you and Lindsey share. You have the most beautiful vintage cards in blogland.

    I love the little birds on the one. They are just precious. The flowers are so realistic on the other two. They just don't make cards like these anymore.

    Thank you for sharing. Have a beautiful weekend sweetie.

    Country hugs and much love, Sherry

  11. I love your beautiful cards!!! Thanks for sharing. I wanted to thank yall for joining as a follower on our blog, hope you visit again soon. I tried to join here but it didn't work I will try again later. Blessings~~~ Daphne

  12. Beautiful! I especially love the one with violets. You're so sweet to share images with us!

  13. These are so gorgeous, why can't they make things like this anymore? I just love the vintage cards!!!
    Thanks for sharing them!
    Margaret B

  14. They are beautiful! The colors are so soft.
    Happy Birthday Belatedly!
    Hugs, Diane

  15. Hey Ladies,

    Great cards, very pretty. I also wanted to apologize, but I've had to temporarily stop working on PP as we've been having quite a bit of rain and humidity out here in the desert. As much as I love the rain (especially the smell) it literally hurts me, so I've hesitated for a day or two. Not to worry though, PP will be on the way to you by the middle of August, and I hope this hasn't caused you any ill thoughts of me. It's hard enough admitting my weakness, but this is the first time I've had to stop work for it, so I truly apologize.

    Lot's of love,

  16. Thanks so much for being follower of our blog. We are having a giveaway to thank our first hundred on Monday.

    Kat and Suz

    P.S. ...and I am adding you to my favorites so I don't forget you!

  17. I've always loved the vintage post cards. I have a book with fifty or more that belonged to my in-laws. They date back to the early 1900's
    Thanks for sharing.

  18. I love your vintage postcards!! Don't you wish they still made things like they used to?

  19. Hi Twyla! The postcards are just beautiful, and make me really regret not buying albums that I saw a while ago. I think there were two of them for $30, and when you think of how much just one postcard can cost, it would have been so worth it. Ah well, hopefully another one will come along!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  20. What a special birthday gift! The postcards are lovely. Thank you for stopping by my blog for a peek at my completed paint-by-number picture. It was such fun! I'm ready to start a new project now. It's hard to narrow it down to just one though.

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  21. G'eve ~ Lucky birthday gift for you. I love these cards, particularly the birds ... & how generous you are to share.

    Have a lovely PINK summer's eve ~
    TTFN ~Hugs, Marydon


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