Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Twyla on Tuesday

Hello Sweet Friends!
This little fellow is here to remind you that this Saturday is A Fanciful Twist's
Mad Tea Party.
It is sure to be a fun day for everyone and Lindsey and I are
busy cooking up some fun surprises and inviting
you all to join us for the magical event!

It was last year's Mad Tea Party that we had a picture published in
Artful Blogging magazine.  We were so thrilled!

You know our love of baby planters.  Well, this week while strolling
through a local flea market, I spotted this little cutie.
I'd never seen one like this before and was thrilled to see a $2.50 price tag!

This sweet little angel came from the same store with an equally low price tag.
Her wing has been repaired but that didn't bother me. 
She's still sweet as can be.

I don't know what it is, but when I walk down the aisles of flea markets and
antique malls these things call to me from the shelves. 
I must look like an easy target.

I want to thank everyone for all the kind things you say about my crochet.
I wanted to let you know that I have listed a couple of my pincushions
in our etsy shop.

I hope you all are keeping your cool this week.  We are having a heatwave
here in the midwest.  I think I am off to McDonald's for a Mocha Frappe!
Wishing you all much happiness!


  1. Hi Twyla, Here we are both up late at night to post! I think I am the first to see your wonderful planter finds. The diaper pin one sends me over the moon! I can't wait to see what you and Lindsey have in store for the Mad Hatter party. It was so exciting that you were published once. I bet you will be again! Have a lovely week! Elizabeth

  2. These finds are too cute! I have never seen one like the baby planter before. Thanks for showing the cards yesterday. I especially was fond of the piano one, since Mama made me take 7 years of piano lessons! Hope you get published this year, too.

  3. I love your baby planters. I also collect them too. I just love all the different ones and I have never seen the one in the second picture with the baby and safety pins. How cute is that? I would have snatched it up too!

  4. Ooooh! I'm with Elizabeth...I LOVE that diaper pin one...so adorable! Your crocheted pin cushions are wonderful...you're such a talented girl, Twyla!


  5. Hi Twyla! You just have the best eye for spotting treasures! I love the first one, but they're all so adorable!...It will be fun to see what you're planning for the tea party. I know it will be extra special, whatever it is!...Your pin cushions are sooo lovely! Have a fun day, sweetie! xo Paulette

  6. Morning Friend :)
    You do have an "eye" for planters :)
    Have FUN with your party!!!
    Glad all is A-Okay :) Talk to you soon.
    Deb :)

  7. Good morning! I went to your Etsy shop to look around! I love your sweet pincushions! And all of your pretty things! ♥

  8. Oh these are so cute! What a great deal too...
    Honey, we are having a heatwave down here too, of course that's a normal summer for us ...but just wanted to say that I know exactly how you feel...it's hot, and summer really just began...a Frappe sounds like a great idea! Hope you girls have a great day! :)
    Big Hugs,

  9. Hi Twyla,

    I love those baby planters, wish I could find those prices out here, wish I could find those planters out here........man, you don't realize how blessed you are out there to have as much as you all do. Okay, okay, enough whining about my lack of retail therapy.


  10. I just love seeing your adorable finds, Twyla - and your pincushions are gorgeous!!

  11. Yep! Easy target! :) But aren't you glad? I know I am! ;) One thing I love about the planters is that they are sort of like vintage greeting cards come to life! so cute!

    Heat wave? I've *heard* it gets really hot here but so far, I'd think I was back in Seattle! The whole time I've been here, there have only been a few sunny days...

    I posted yesterday and today. come by and see me! ♥

  12. Good morning! Your vintage planters are so sweet. Every time I see something like this in an antique store I think "Twyla would like this". I do that with my sisters collections too... I'm always finding things that should be theirs. :-)

  13. That baby planter is so sweet! I have never seen anything like that. You always find such precious things. Hope you are having a great day. Every day is a heatwave around here. Best wishes, Tammy

  14. The planters are so sweet! I've really come to appreciate them the past few months and have picked up a few myself.

  15. Hi Twyla! Well, if you're an easy mark, then so am I, because I definitely would have bought all of these cuties too!

  16. Oh my gosh ~ that planter with the baby and diaper pins just might be one of the cutest things I've ever seen. Great price too!!
    Your pin cushion is so pretty. I love the colors.

  17. Love all your goodies and the pincushion is so pretty! Nice job!


  18. What great finds. I especially like the little baby planter so cute with the safety pin!. Your crochet is lovely. I'm finally getting back in crochet after a long break. Made a few dishtowels from cotton yarn.

  19. Hi Twyla!
    I adore the first baby planter but I can't tell what kind of animal it's supposed to be - is it a lambie or a doggie or??? Oh, maybe a bunny? So cute. Your pincushion is so darling!
    Happy Tuesday,

  20. I agree with Elizabeth, that diaper pin one is so perfect!!!!! I just love all of these planters, but I have no place to put them! So I will just come over and enjoy yours! Sandy

  21. Hi Twyla!
    I love your newest additions... reminders of a more innocent time.
    I'm heading to a family wedding in WI tomorrow and am looking forward to the "break" from our Florida heat and humidity. I know you've got it bad there, but it's still cooler than what we've got. I'm staying in the air conditioning and looking forward to FL winter already! Have a great day. I'll try to make it to the Mad Tea Party this weekend.

  22. Dear Twyla, so pretty your treasures found and your pincushions are my favorites!!!!
    maria cecilia


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