Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Twyla on Tuesday

Hello Ladies!
It's been awhile since I showed you some of my collectibles.
I'll start with this cute little kitty planter.
Who can resist?

One of my recent interests has been collecting Hull pottery.  It all started
with a little pink bowl.  I didn't want to buy it because I knew if I did I wouldn't be able
to stop with just that one, I'd want more!  It was so sweet that I now have these other new pieces
to go with it!

I discovered that it was a pattern called Sunglow.  It came in pink with yellow flowers,
or yellow with pink flowers.

And, yes, they are like potato chips, you can't have just one.
Luckily, I have discovered some pieces for very good prices.  That is always a thrill.
The dustpan wallpocket was only $10 and I often see it in antique stores for $100 and up!

I have also added some more swanky swigs to my collection. 
I found a set of 7 of the glasses for just 75 cents apiece and then a couple of weeks
later in a different flea market, I discovered the matching pitcher for $6.


I hope you've enjoyed seeing some of my collections.
Thanks for stopping by!
Wishing you much happiness!


  1. How absolutely darling!! I love the colors as well as the sweet shapes. What great finds!

  2. I love your Hull pottery! And that little kitten is too cute, as are your glasses and pitcher. You really got some good prices on those!I was gone last weekend but I thought your Pink Saturday post was very sweet. You can't have too much pink, I say!

  3. What wonderful treasures, Twyla! I'd get addicted, too--they're beautiful!

    How lucky to find that pitcher right after getting the glasses! Perfect!

    Hope you're having a wonderful night!


  4. Just me again...just saw your comment, Twyla, and it made me smile! I've missed you, too! I was going to bed earlier for a while, too...think I'm turning back into a night owl, though! Thanks for your sweet words, my friend!


  5. Oh I loved all of these finds, such sweet things and thanks for sharing.
    Take Care

  6. Hull is beautiful! There colors are the very best. LOVE the dust pan!!

  7. I always love to see what other people collect. I happen to love pastel colors too, but I only collect dutch ceramics of course. Thanks for sharing and have a lovely day!

  8. How perfect to complete a whole set of glasses and pitcher but at different markets!

    Victoria xx

  9. Hull is beautiful! There colors are the very best. LOVE the dust pan!!
    taller 4 idiots

  10. Good morning! I love the pitcher and glass ~ it just begs for cool lemonade for a hot summer day!!

  11. Lovely goodies, and getting the pitcher for the glasses, wow!

  12. Hi Twyla and Lindsey:
    I love your sweet kitty planter, and all the other pieces that go with it. You've got such wonderful collections, girls! Have a great week.

  13. Precious collections! I WANT THEM ALL:) Have a blessed day and thanks for sharing all of these cuties with us!


  14. I get such a happy feeling when I see "Twyla On Tuesday" pop up in my dash board!

    I love your collections! Pink and yellow together is so cute!

    When Sara was here last night, she got chilled so I let her wear my freshly washed sugar kissed house shoes! She went on and on about them and even Christopher and Elizabeth commented on them! I had fun bragging on you and seeing them admire your work. I plan on getting her a pair for Sara once I find out (secretly) what color she would want. :)

    Have a great day, Twyla! stay cool! ♥

  15. Love it all. But the kitty and the dustpan pocket are my favorites!
    It makes me want to just kick myself knowing we had some of these things growing up and for one reason or another have sold them in garage sales over the years.

    Now what are the odds you find the glasses, and then the pitcher to match? You have wonderful luck!
    Have a wonderful week!
    Karen ~ Some days are diamonds

  16. Love love LOVE the pitcher and glasses. What a great find and a great price!!

    Thanks for sharing and making all of us want to go thrifting!! :)

  17. What an adorable collection. Love the colors!

  18. Thanks for sharing your collections....love the little kitty...very sweet indeed.....blessings

  19. Twyla, I will forever now think of your collections as potato chips. I can't wait to see the next! I have yet to share the amazing pottery that can be found in Ohio. I must photograph it the next time I visit the Antique Mall. I adore your new glasses. Sigh! A lovely Tuesday with Twyla! Elizabeth

  20. Wow Twyla! That was a great deal. I have seen that exact set at the Antique Mall for $50. Wish we lived closer I'd love to go to the flea markets with you.

  21. Hi Twyla, you do have the sweetest collections. Love your little pincushions and that Neopolitan afghan is fabulous! Always such fun things when I visit you girls. Best wishes, Tammy

  22. I always love seeing your collections! Every single one of those things is beautiful.
    LOVE them.

  23. Hi Twyla,

    What a great collection, I'm so envious! Just can't seem to find cute stuff like that out here in Arizona. Even though a lot of folks from back east and the midwest move out here for the weather, they leave all their goodies back east and the midwest! It really sucks to try and shop vintage out here.


  24. I love the pretty things you collect! We like the same things! ♥

  25. That little kitty planter is the cutest. I love the pottery. Those colors are so beautiful. Thanks.

  26. Awwww, the kitten planter is very cute. I hope you are all doing well and finding smiles every day.

  27. Oh how great! I am in the process of honing my collections and keeping what I really really want! I love the kitty and the Hull!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  28. Super thrifty fun finds! You have such a great eye for the most lovely treasures...thank you for sharing them with all of us!

  29. OH Twyla I have been resisting hull for awhile :) but you my dear are tempting me to start! My Mom has a swanky swig collection herself. Your vintage s wonderful as always :)

    luvs and glitter

  30. You lucky! I love everything! I want some swanky swigs SO MUCH! We went to the swap meet yesterday and nothing, not even one stray one. WAH!


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