Thursday, June 10, 2010

A beautiful Illustrator!

Hello friends!
In all my flea market and antique store trips over the years I always ignored the golden books. Most are from the nineties and I never thought about finding pretty graphics in them, until a couple of weeks ago! I discovered such a lovely golden book I could hardly contain my love for it! It's called Nursery Songs from 1942. I researched the illustrator named Corinne Malvern and discovered that she illustrated several lovely golden books.

I am now on a quest to find them all!
This is a golden book illustrated by Corinne Malvern that I always admired for it's beauty as a child.

This was my favorite Corinne Malvern golden book as a child! Doctor Dan! I had a rough, old copy of it found at a garage sale and because I loved it so much, my Mom found a newer copy of it at Wal Mart. I loved that book so much! Even as a child I remember my Mom giving me that beautiful new copy with two real band aids glued to the first page. I never took the band aids off. I wanted to keep the book in perfect condition!

I ran across this copy of Heidi last weekend, illustrated by Corinne Malvern to add to my collection.

Now every time I walk into a flea market I am on the look out for golden books!
I hope I am lucky enough to collect them all someday!

Wishing you a lovely day, Lindsey


  1. I have a bunch of the really old ones and just love them....the illustrations are priceless.

  2. Sorry, maybe I can get it right this time!
    I think they are so sweet. I also love the ones illustrated by Eloise Wilkins.

  3. Oh, she's one of my very favorites! I have some of those that you posted, and a few others--I love them! A wonderful collection to begin...thanks for sharing these, Lindsey!


  4. I was going to say what Angela said! You have to check out Eloise Wilkins!! BTW enjoyed your Barbie Wednesday yesterday, to tired to comment at the time. I used to collect vintage Barbie that was a great walk down memory lane for me. Thanks!:)

  5. Ah they're cute! good luck in finding them all!

  6. Oh, i am in the same place. Now they have become treasures to me. Odd, isn't it?


  7. I have some Little Golden books but have not paid attention to the illustrator. Making a note to check mine out so I begin to recognize them. I will definately be looking for Corinne Malvern.

  8. Oh, I had Doctor Dan, too! Had forgotten about him! My favorite was one called "Little Mommy," and I recently found a reprint of it at B & N for my little girl. I didn't know that they were reprinting those, but there it was!

  9. I'll warn you it's addictive! I have a large collection but I still see books I've never seen your Nursery Rhymes! I don't have that one! They are SO much fun to collect! Can't wait to hear what you find in your treasure hunts! ♥

  10. Love the beginning of your new collection!

  11. I had so many of these for my kids and wound up getting rid of them because they didn't seem to enjoy them. I kept a couple of the old ones, but am kicking myself for the ones I would now have liked to have kept. Oh well, at least they were donated and makes me think they went to a good cause!

  12. Hi Lindsey! I have ALWAYS loved Corinne Malvern's illustrations. I would recognize her work anywhere. Isn't it fun to discover something/somebody "new" and delightful like this? I have no doubt that you will manage to find all of her books. Her style really is very special. Little Golden Books have been a part of my life ever since I can remember. I have a collection - which includes nearly every vintage Disney one published. But my collection pales in comparison to Tina's! Hers are packed away, but I hope she will do a post about them, too, some day.

  13. I have seen these illustrations out there. Good to know something about the artist. Really cute. I'll be looking closely at my GW and garage sales.

  14. I think it's really cool that you note these awesome illustrators, Lindsey! Thanks for teaching me that. ♥

  15. hi T&L!

    i adore these kinds of children's book illustrations and golden had so many talented artists. an enjoyable post. :)


  16. Hi Lindsey,

    I come across "Golden Books" all the time. If I find any of the orginals, or even the recent reprints with the artist you like, would you like me to get them for you? If so, email me at:, and when I come across them, I'll pick em up!


  17. wat een heerlijke boeken,het boek van Heidien Peter,heb ik als kind zoveel gelezen,maar ook de films gezien.
    ik verzamel ook oude kinderboeken,heb nethet boek van,De wind in de wilgen, binnen.
    van Kenneth Grahame.een oude uitgave.

    lieve groetjes oma nijn

  18. I have things frommy childhood, but I can't think of anything I saved that I was able to keep in mint condition more than a week.

  19. I was going to say that I have Doctor Dan, thinking it was one of the few of my brothers childhood books that I just went through a few days ago. But no, I have "Peter Pat and the Policeman" and it's not a Golden Book (it's a Rand McNally Book). The two cutest ones I've found are yet another publisher, Tell-A-Tale Books and both illustrated by Jane Flory. So darling.

    Enjoy your new collection!

    Another woofy Welcome to Barney too,


  20. I noticed you had stopped by my blog and was so touched to see you are a follower, so I decided to stop in for a visit and WOW!!! I LOVE your blog. I had so many memories come back to me with the crocheted hangers, the barbies and I ADORE the art in the Golden books. Then I decided to read your profile and found we like a lot of the same things, and I originally came from Kansas City, Mo. and all my family still lives on the border of Kansas and Missouri in a dinky town called Arcadia, between Pittsburg Kansas and Fort Scott, Mo. I hope to visit with you more often and thanx for coming by. Have a great day! Kelli Hansen

  21. I do so love these!! We have several of them too! Even if I get a new one I love that they remake them!
    Hugs, Lisa

  22. Oh yes, those Golden Books are the best. My children loved them when they were little. I saved all of them and passed them on to my three precious grandchildren. Fun. The pictures and stories are so cute.

    Enjoy your days...Dogwood

  23. I love Golden books, but I have never paid attention to the illustrator except for Eloise Wilkins. I do have some of the original books and some of the repros. My favorite book when I was little was "The Saggy Baggy Elephant." Thanks for sharing these lovely illustrations!

  24. Hi, Lindsey,
    I'm a fan of the older illustrations in books, too. I am not familiar with this artist, but I do like all those covers, so I'm sure I would love her work, too.

  25. What a great illustrator. I still have all the Little Golden Books that were mine as a child, plus the ones from my grandmother's house. I should check and see if any of them are illustrated by Corinne Malvern. Happy Pink Saturday!

  26. I loved reading Heidi when me and my sister Heidi was small. The story is a really amzing story to read.

  27. I'm going to have to jot down this name Corinne Malvern and look into my books to see what I have of hers. This Heidi is such a cute cover board. Nursery Songs now i have never seen thatt one.

  28. I collect Little Golden books too. I love the old pictures in them. You have some really good ones!!


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