Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Twyla on Tuesday

Hello, sweet friends!
I'm going to give you a sneak peek at a cabinet we bought for our fantasy craft room!
No one usually gets passed those doors,
but I'll make an exception and invite you all in.

Lindsey and I were in one of our favorite antique stores a couple of weeks

ago and our eyes immediately fell on these adorable aqua blue glass knobs!

We discovered that the knobs were definitely worth the asking price and the cabinet

would be very functional also.

I don't have a truck or a van and it wouldn't fit in the back seat so in the trunk it went.
No rope either, but I had a skein of yarn!
Wrapped tightly as possible we set out on our journey home with our new treasure.
I drove very slowly and we checked it frequently to make sure it was okay.

We had a good laugh (and I'm sure others did too) and on the way home Lindsey
said, "This is why we are called Two Crazy Crafters!"
Thank you for visiting today!
Wishing you all much happiness!


  1. I so happy that you found that cute cabinet. I love the knobs too!!

  2. Love that new cabinet, Twyla! Perfect for you--those knobs are incerdible! Lucky you--great find!

    Thanks for the peek into your inner sanctum...!


  3. Beautiful cabinet and I just adore the unique blue knobs. Do we get to see a photo of the room when it is completed? xxxooo

  4. Nice little knobs. Enjoy the cabinet! Sincerely, @nne

  5. Lovely cabinet, sounds like a fun adventure!

  6. Beautiful blue knobs on this cabinet. Love the story about the yarn too. You too are crazzzzzy crafters! deb

  7. That cabinet is perfect with those gorgeous knobs.

    Victoria xx

  8. Nothing can stop a woman on a mission! Sounds like some of the crazy stuff I have done before. You should have seen what I stuffed into a PT Cruiser!

  9. Perfect find, the knob alone is a treaure. I would not have wanted to leave it behind either. What is the name brand on the yarn, what a fantastic product boost for them, "Strong but Soft".

  10. Adorable knobs!

    Yarn saves the day again

  11. How cute! Wish we had a picture of that! Nice cabinet, too! Enjoy your day! ♥

  12. Love your little cabinet and the cute story of hauling it home....brought me a smile...thanks...blessings

  13. Great cabinet. Love the color of those glass knobs. You two are proof that when there's a will, there's a way. :) Your little crocheted strawberries are so sweet. Best wishes for a beautiful day. Tammy

  14. Hee-hee! I feel so priveledged to get in peek in your room! :) I Love those sweet knobs and you 2 sweet crazy crafters! I had wondered if you found anything over the week end!

    Micah has a fever and a sore throat so we're hanging out at our motel today. I long for normal days but I know I must be patient! ♥

  15. Hi Twyla and Lindsey,
    yes I agree beautiful cabinet. Those knobs are just so 'vintage' I think. Great buy there.
    Are you going to make any alterations to it?
    Pretty blog as usual, I do hope everything is okay with you both,
    hugs and Love Suex

  16. What a wonderful find and those knobs are just beautiful. Thank you for letting us take a peek at your fantasy craft room! Have a wonderful Tuesday....Maura:)

  17. Twyla, I think we are all TCCers at one time or another! When you just have to have it, girl has to make do with what is on hand. I have goosebumps on my arms just thinking about the joy you both must have in adding this to your craft room. Might we be getting the full peek on June 19th???? I do hope you will be sharing in "Where Bloggers Create". You have the most lovely vintage things to share. I for one would love a ticket! Elizabeth

  18. Hi Twyla!

    Stopping by to let you know I gave you an award on my blog.

    I so enjoyed my peek into your fantasy craft room! Love your new cabinet and the glass knobs are so lovely!

    Happy Tuesday!

  19. What a great find! Those blue knobs are so sweet!

  20. The cabinet alone is a sweet find, but the knobs are the selling point!
    I would have bought it too.
    I had such a good time coming home when I found this old table that I posted, a little crazy is a good thing now and then.
    Love, Mary

  21. Ha...I love it...I can picture the whole adventure...mom and daughter on the loose with ball of yarn in hand to defeat the world!
    Thanks for stopping by the last Groovy Girl Post Twyla...I read everything you say. Were linked at the heart and living way back when happily together!

  22. Not only is your new cabinet cute, but it will have such fun memories attached. Those knobs are fabulous!!

  23. OH! I love the cute cabinet with those lovely knobs. What a wonderful find and you can always tell the story of it's ride home.

  24. What a great little storage cabinet! I Love the aqua blue knobs!!


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