Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Barbie Wedneday

Hello friends! Today I wanted to share with you a a few images I found from a site I discovered recently called Quality Vintage Doll Patterns. They sell patterns and accessories, along with lovely images from doll patterns!

I love vintage Barbie doll patterns!!! They are so pretty and the images would make lovely tags!

I love when I find a collection of old handmade doll clothes. I can only imagine someone's mother taking the time to add small details to create Barbie's wardrobe.

This collection reminds me of some of my favorite Barbie dress styles!

I love these American Girl style doll images!

I hope you enjoy these pretty images!
Have a great day, Lindsey


  1. Lindsey,
    Have you ever tried to make these clothes??? I always thought these looked so hard, especially the snaps! I remember having some handmade Barbie clothes, but it wasn't my Mom that made them....she didn't that I think about it, I wonder where I got them???? See you always get me thinking about when I was a little girl! :)

  2. My Gran used to make dolls clothes for my Sindy (UK equivalant of Barbie in the 70's) she sewed some and knitted some..I just took them for granted,but now I realise what time,effort and love must have gone into making them for me!
    Have a lovely day
    Em xx

  3. My great aunt made me some Barbie clothes...she was a professional seamstrees, and said making the doll's clothes was harder than anything else she had ever made. Oh how I love Barbie, especially my first.
    Hugs, Kathleen

  4. I thought I'd seen just about every Barbie pattern, but all of these are new to me. (My mom always favored Simplicity and McCall's over Butterick; that's probably why!) These are just wonderful!

  5. Hi Lindsey,

    I always look forward to Barbie Wednesday. I always thought I was so lacking in Barbie stuff, but visiting your blog makes me realize that it might have been true in my youngest years, but I definately made up for it in my older years. So, I've always had a love affair with Barbie, but my true passion for them came out as I got older, and I have been able to feed that passion. Thank you again for sharing.


  6. I used to make Barbie Doll outfits for my DD by the truckload..... I sold all the patterns on Ebay several years ago!!
    Just as well.....Too fussy for me now!! LOL!!

  7. Years ago I made a ton of Barbie clothes to sell at my craft shows. They can be very tricky to work on, being so small.
    I love the patterns. The image style is very different from others I've seen. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Hi girls, have you see the new plastic collection launched on the Barbie website? A lil out of our thrifty purses league I think but well worth looking at. There's also a link to a Barbie store in Shanghi complete with Spa!!!

    Victoria xx

  9. How amazing! I was thinking about Barbie patterns when I woke up this morning. I have some pretty fabric that would make a cute sun dress and I was hard could it be! heehee! I may give it a try after seeing one on the cover of your pattern. When I was growing up, my aunt made Barbie clothes! ♥

  10. I loved seeing these patterns! They are SO fabulous! I'd never have the patience for the tiny details - but I do enjoy looking at all of the great vintage images. Thank you for sharing them, Lindsey!

  11. Thank you for posting this link, it made my day! As a child, my best bud was "Pinky," a Dixie the Pixie Whimsie/American Character doll (--> HERE is an online image of her.) my dear Knuckle Matt gave me and I renamed. She remains a close friend. How wonderful that through your link, I've been able to locate clothing patterns for her! Boy, oh, boy! If it weren't for you and Barbie-- Many thanks!

  12. I finally just got out my barbie dolls. Got them all cleaned up, clothes washed and pressed and they are ready for their photo shoot. I can't wait to join you next week with my barbies. I always enjoy looking at your stuff.

  13. Hi Lindsey! Love these!! I've sewed a few outfits, and crocheted even more, ever since I was a young girl! I hope, God willing, I'll get to make some for granddaughters someday! ~tina

  14. Love all things Barbie! Since you share so many wonderful things, I just shared an old pattern image on my blog for you. :)


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