Friday, April 9, 2010

Recent Vintage Finds

Hello friends, today I am sharing a few recent flea market finds.
I love collecting Irmi! Most of these cute Irmi pieces are lamps as this one but, Irmi also created crib mobiles, switch plates and wall hangings.

I couldn't pass up this sweet index box! It's sweet decals caught my eye and then when I saw that it said "crafts" I knew it was coming home with me.

Sweet nursery rhyme decals are on the top and sides of this box!

The one on the back is my favorite!

These vintage coasters were a neat find!

Wishing you a happy day, Lindsey


  1. Oh! I just love EVERYTHING you shared tonight, Lindsey! Just my style! Those coasters are fabulous!

    Lucky you--so glad you found them! Hope you're having a wonderful night!

  2. Such sweet finds! I love those coasters! Have a great weekend!
    xo Paulette

  3. These things are so sweet!I love the coasters and Mary's lamb is my favorite, too. Of course, I love Irmi things! The little girl on the card you posted yesterday looks like me when I was little.
    Wish I was still that cute!

  4. Love your Irmi kids- love it all! ♥

  5. O.K. now these finds are just plain adorable...especially the little decals!!
    Have a Wonderful Day!!

  6. Oh my goodness! What sweet treasures. I especially love the coasters. How neat!



  7. You find the neatest vintage collectibles! Love the recipe (CRAFTS) box and those coasters are an item I've never seen before. Great finds! Such fun to see all the wonderful treasures you unearth!
    Have a wonderful day!

  8. I love Irmi, too and would be so thrilled to find some of these pieces! Enjoy the day and weekend ahead! ♥ Have fun! ♥

  9. omy ... i did not know what they were ~ the little irmi's ...cute:o)
    love love the little box, there's just something sooo special about decals & the costers ~ sweet!
    i wish i could shop in your neck of the woods ~
    MO has some fantastico finds :o)

  10. You are so lucky to find such wonderful things. I love the little box. When I was little they sold rub on like that and my mom got some to put on our little play cabinet. My sister has that cabinet still.

  11. Such great stuff! I would have purchased every one of those things myself!
    I do SO enjoy seeing what you find.

  12. You always find such darling items!!! Have a fun weekend.

  13. You always find the best things at the flea market! I was very tempted by an Irmi lamp on Ebay the other day. It had bluebirds on it, and it was just adorable. I passed it up because I've been buying too much lately, but now I know that I'll be thinking about it forever!

  14. You are such a lucky girl. You must have adjusted your bonnet straight that day because luck was sitting on top of it. The craft box is just the cutest thing I've seen in a long time. If you ever get tired of it...tee hee...I'll take it off your hands in a wink!

  15. Love your sweet box and the lamp. You definitely needed that box! My sister had an Irmi lamp, I was so jealous that I didn't have one, I thought it was the most adorable lamp I had ever seen.

    Have a wonderful spring weekend!

  16. I love the little Irmi but I'm never ever seen them to buy. I actually have one from the 60's it was a lamp for my children and I have it by my bed today. It's pink so I'm going to use it this Pink Saturday.

  17. Ah such sweet finds, I just love to go thrifting with you!
    Have a nice weekend!

  18. It is all so cute, but I am really drawn to those adorable coasters.

  19. Love your finds Lindsey...I have had a few of those very sweet lamps in the past but they probably went into a yard sale once upon a yours..they are adorable...blessings to you both...

  20. I really love Irmi too... but those coasters...drool!

  21. G R E A T!!! Stuff! I know you will enjoy it all! Hope you have a super extra special wonderful weekend!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  22. I love the little wooden box with the sweet decals! :-)
    You always find the cutest things!!

  23. You find the cutest things! Have a wonderful weekend!

  24. Hi Ladies ~ Thanks so much for becoming a follower of mine. I was so excited to link back and see your blog. I have added you to my blog roll and will definately be drinking my morning latte and enjoying your posts. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your style!


  25. Hi Twyla and Lindsey! What wonderful treasures you girls found...I love vintage items. Those coasters are so sweet! I hope you both have a wonderful weekend...happy crafting! MauraXX

  26. What fabulous finds ... I love the memories of the 'decal era' ...

    Have a lovely weekend.
    TTFN ~Hugs, Marydon

  27. Lindsey, How super cute is your lamp! I especially love your Crafts box - yep had to go home with you! I looked through thousands of vintage postcards today, and every time I came across a Victorian one I would say, "Twyla would love this one!" Have a great week ahead Lindsey! E

  28. I adore the sweet coasters! I wish I could shop the thrift stores where you live! You find some gorgeous things!

  29. I adore the sweet coasters! I wish I could shop the thrift stores where you live! You find some gorgeous things!

  30. What a great vintage site you have here! Thanks for visiting my blog and following me! I love everything here!

  31. Cute, cute and more cute. I love them all.

  32. Irmi has been catching my eye lately too. I think I had some when young and didn't know it. I just found your blog and I'm going to poke around here a little while.



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