Monday, April 12, 2010

Puppy Love

Hello Friends!
We found this cute blackboard at a favorite antique store and Lindsey had ideas for it. 
Right now it is on display with our blog name on it.

If you ever came to our house, it would not take long to see who the most important memebers of our
family are.  We pretty much dote on our Spencer and Muffin.
They are real characters.  Spencer plays hide and seek with us and Muffin is just sure
the dogs on tv are right there and he's going to get them!

They are so warm and snuggly and I feel like the luckiest person in the world when I
sit down and I have them settle down on either side of me.
Ahh, so sweet.
Thank you ladies for stopping by today!
Have a great week!
Twyla and Lindsey


  1. I think I had that same chalkboard when I was a girl...those blocks on the top look very familiar!

    Your sweet doggies look like cute little lambs--I bet they're wonderful snugglers!

    Hope you're having a beautiful night!

  2. Little Muffin and Spencer are so cute C:


  3. I know what you mean about 'puppy' love. I was hugging my Chloe yesterday thinking I too was so lucky to have her. Have a great Monday. deb

  4. I'm with Julie, that chalk board looks so familar.

    What lovely writing you put on it! I have never had nice handwriting. :(

    I love your puppies, too. Is that okay? ☺

  5. What a sweet photo of Spencer and Muffin. You know how we feel about doglets at Brynwood! Have a great week, girls!

  6. That chalkboard is so cute, and I bet it's about to get cuter when Lindsey is done with it!
    Your furbabies are just adorable! I miss having a dog!
    Happy Monday!

  7. Morning friends :)
    Of course your boys are the sweetest! I wish my boys would cuddle...
    Sweet chalkboard!
    Happy Monday...I'm off to HQ and the grocery store soon.
    Deb :)

  8. Morning friends :)
    Of course your boys are the sweetest! I wish my boys would cuddle...
    Sweet chalkboard!
    Happy Monday...I'm off to HQ and the grocery store soon.
    Deb :)

  9. Great little chalkboard! Your dogs are precious and I bet they're the best!

  10. Do you ever say, "Someone please bring me more coffee, I can't move, the babies are asleep!"

  11. Love the chalk board and the puppies. We have two cats, a big orange one named Spencer and a little black one named Agnus. Aren't our pets wonderful? Have a great day.

  12. Hi you two!
    Hubby went back to work today after his two week spring break so now I can finally catch up on all of your latest news.
    Spencer and Muffin are the cutest!!! Wish I could give them a kiss on the head and a tummy rub. My poochie pie girl sends her regards their way and a virtual doggie biscuit snack. :)
    Happy happy Monday to you,
    OH! I'm having a little giveaway of a magazine, come over and see if you're interested.
    Woof woof and arf arf to S & M!

  13. Hi Twyla and Lindsey! Awww love your new blackboard and especially your little Spencer and Muffin..they look so cute sitting there. Thanks for sharing your pups with's nice to get to know part of your family. I hope you have a wonderful day....Maura

  14. I love Muffin and Spencer, since we have a puppy (Luna is four months old now) I know what puppy love is.
    The photo is so cute.

  15. I think I had a chalkboard just like that!!

  16. Aww look how cute those doggies are!

  17. Love the chalkboard- letters and numbers! Your dogs are so cute! Our pugs, Bailey and Sophie, add a lot to our home, too!

  18. Thanks for stopping by and becoming a follower! I love your blog ... I have your site listed on my blog. And I love Spencer and Muffin! How adorable.

  19. I am pretty sure I had that chalkboard when I was little! It is so cute. Of course, those pups are too cute for words. LOVING your blog. all the vintage and sweet illustrations. I cannot wait to explore more.

    504 Main

  20. Nothing better than puppies! I have two at my feat now!!
    Hugs, Lisa


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