Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Barbie Wednesday

Hello friends! Today I want to show a sweet gift that was sent to me by a friend!
These bags were found at Wal Mart and came in 4 different styles. My dear friend sent me 3!
I had never seen these and am thrilled to add them to my collection. I think they are so cute!!

I am on the hunt for the fourth one which features a nurse.

These cool bags each feature a Reproduction doll recently released by Mattel.

Head to the Barbie section at your local Wal Mart to see if they are available.

Come back tomorrow, as I can't wait to share my newest altered project!
Have a lovely day, Lindsey


  1. Those are really cute, Lindsey! What a sweet friend to send them to you!

  2. I'll have to look - our WM is so messed up right now with remodeling, I can't find anything!
    These are really cute.

  3. These are cute images. I bought one at Walmart with a different image of Barbie #1 with a black and white suit on. I didn't see these there or I would have snatched them up too!

  4. Too bad we haven't a Walmart over here! Maybe I'll try to buy them when I'm in the States next July, but these cool bags might have sold out by then.
    Have a lovely day!

  5. These bags are fab... making me think about visiting Wal-mart when I'm NY next week!

    Victoria xx

  6. Oh we love vintage Barbie so much! Such a cute page boy hair style...thank you for sharing!

  7. Absolutely love vintage Barbie!!

  8. I like the stewardess one best! ♥

  9. Oh my gosh,these are great! I love them! I haven't seen them in the bags and purses at Walmart, so I guess I will have to check out the barbie section, next time I'm there! I'd love to get the teacher one for Dear Daughter, and tuck it away for under this Christmas tree this year! Maybe I'll get the stewardess one for me! ~tina

  10. How nice! I like the teacher one! C:


  11. Hi Lindsey,I just picked up two of these on clearance ...send me your address and I will send you the nurse bag....I think your mom has my email address....blessings

  12. I know Shelley has found some good Barbie finds there too. I personally, am heading to Fred Meyer to buy huge garden gnomes and Disney's new Snow White set...we all walk to a different beat don't we? Life is good and play time is divine!

  13. I'm going after work I must get one for my daughter!

  14. Hi Lindsey! Wednesdays have become my visiting day, and this is the first place I visit. I was wondering if you could do a post on Barbie as a Majorette and all the cheerleading Barbies. I saw a small photo on flick that brought back such fun memories. I can't wait to see what you do with your chalkboard. I love the Mother piece that Twyla found, I know she has a fondness for these. Have a great weekend ahead! Elizabeth

  15. The bags are very sweet! I wish I had read this earlier...I just got back from Walmart! ♥

  16. How nice!!
    I may have to go to WalMart.....

  17. Fabulous! I would just love some of those!
    I hope V does go to WalMart in NY!!!!

  18. Hi glad to have visited! You have a beautiful blog! Thanks so much for coming by and leaving such a sweet comment over at my place! Cherry

  19. Cool bags! Will have to check them out.

    What a nice friend you have.


  20. Oh, these are so darn cute. I know my daughter would especially love these--she's eight and LOVES Barbie. Well, who doesn't?

    Although Walmart scares me, I just might have to set out and find these. Thanks for sharing.

    Your shadow box project is delicious!


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