Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sweet Old Photos

Hello Friends!
Today I'm sharing a couple of pictures from my collection of antique photos.
This is one of the things that I love finding at flea markets and antique stores. 
I sit them up and 'decorate' with them.

The little girls in these pictures could be dressed for Easter.  I love the charming way they have dressed in their finest clothing with bows in their hair.

Allow me to share the new and improved Spencer who visited the groomer this week.
I don't have a before.  You wouldn't have recognized him!

Have a blessed Sunday!


  1. Your blog ..... it's amazing and soooo inspiring. Nice to find you!

    A small footprint from Agneta & Sweden

    Ps. I have an ongoing jewelry contest on my blog. Welcome! Ds

  2. Thank you so much for these great vintage photos!! I love Spencer's new makeover :)

  3. The huge bows they wore in their hair back then always give me a grin!

    I hope Spencer has forgiven you. ☺

  4. Love the vintage photos and Spencer is just darling in his new hair cut.

  5. Old photos are such fun. I always have to remember it took a long time to actually take the this is why they usually aren't smiling! I like how the two girls are ....and the little girl is reading a story book.

    And so is Spencer!

  6. Oh Spencer you look so clean and pretty!!

  7. Spencer is adorable! he sits so nice for picture taking too...I wish my pups did...LOL! I like your old photo's too. I have a few from my husbands side of the family which I'm going to put in frames but I need to find those older victorian looking ones...Have a beautiful Sunday! hugs, Jennifer

  8. Hi Twyla,

    Spencer is sooooo handsome wooowee bow wow! I've got two chow sisters over here in heat right now, I better not show them the picture........LOL


  9. I love the second photo, they are smiling! So many of the vintage photos they did not do that.....And Spencer is a cutie all cleaned up! He looks very happy in the photo! :)

  10. I love those precious old photos of those sweet little girls. I have some old photos of my mom and her sister. They are the greatest.

    Sweet groomed Spencer.

  11. Your vintage photo reminds me of the ones that I have of my mother, hubby's mother, and his grandmother taken a long time ago. Thank you for sharing.

  12. Hi Twyla!
    Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog. I'm thinking of you and hoping all is well with your father now.
    Spencer is too cute for words, what a sweet little face he's got. Please give him a tummy rub and slip him a biscuit for me! :)
    Happy week to you!


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