Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Images for You

Hello lovely Friends!
One of the things I love to look for when I go antiquing is old images and ephemera.
This sweet little girl was in a pack of Victorian scrap.

This beautiful card below is a style that I always get excited about!
I love the steep roofed cottages and the colors of this one is so pretty.

Part of the reason I look for these treasures is my desire to find things that I can share with you.
This postcard is from 1911 and it was to Edith from Vera.

I am a dog lover.  They melt my heart.
I adored this little piece of scrap.  I think I payed $1 for it. 
It is a tattered trade card.

Feel free to use these images in your artwork. 
I want to thank all of you for your kind comments about my baby blankets! 
I wish all of you a lovely week!


  1. Hi Lindsy and Twyler,
    So sorry I haven't gotten here till now to say "hello"....
    Absolutely looove your blog and definitely now a follower!:)
    Gorgeous images.. all of them! I love dogies too.. I have beagles.. and that card is sooo cute!
    Thanks for visiting my blog and entering my giveaway.. I have some good news for you very soon...:)
    Just need to finish my post and get it loaded.. etc....
    Bye for now
    Love Lou xx

  2. Oh, my! These are fabulous, Twyla! Those steep-roofed ones are my favorite style too--really tickle me pink!

    Can't wait to use them--thanks so much for finding these sweet images & sharing them with us--you're just wonderful!

  3. Thanks so much for your images, I love the little girl, with the flower hat.

  4. I love scraps too, I even have a post up today and 2 images of scraps too, no kidding!

  5. Hi Twyla, thanks for sharing these fabulous images. A friend's birthday is the 12th so I will be making her a card with one of these. I've just gone back over the past several posts and love, love, love your baby blankets. They are so colorful and charming. Have you shared the pattern before? Wishing you a week a many blessings. Tammy

  6. These images are so beautiful and heartwarming.My Mom's name was Edith - I love finding old cards that have writing on them. Your baby blankets are indeed scrumptious! I love baby things.
    Thanks for sharing!
    Blessings, Sarita

  7. Hi Ladies,

    Thanks for the images, I love to add to my collection. I'm so glad there are others out there that share the wealth, I think it's so wrong to charge for images that you didn't even create, that's just my opinion.....agree or disagree, I'll still love ya!


  8. Good morning dear, Twyla! I love the colors in that anni card! So unique! Thanks for sharing! You're my Vera! ☺ ♥

  9. Precious images and thanks for being so generous:) Have a blessed day!

  10. These are just beautiful! I have saved them...now I just need to figure out how to use them as I'm new to this computer thing. I'm hoping over the week I'll be able to see your other posts..by the sounds of at least one of your followers I will love what I see! Take care. Maura

  11. I just love those puppy dogs!

  12. Such beautiful images. Isn't it so fun to search for the ones you love the most? Thank you for sharing.

  13. Such sweet old cards...love them...hope your week is a blessed one.....

  14. Such lovely images you're sharing! I especially like the anniversary card with the pink cottage. I want to live there!

  15. Believe it or not, I had a dream last night that I was looking for vintage valentine cards in an antique store so that I could send them to YOU! So serious!

    Great cards and I am always a fan of the thatched roof cottages whenever I see them : )

  16. Hi.. thank you for following my blog!!! nice to meet you. Congratulations you have a beautiful blog


  17. You guys can find the most wonderful things. Love the one with doggies.

  18. Hi Twyla! I like the one with the pups too! I hope your week is going well. Have a nice day! hugs, Jennifer

  19. I love to look for these type things too....love love love them!

  20. You are so sweet to share all those beautiful old vintage cards. I have some and plan on posting them soon. But my next post has a picture of me and Rocky the cat.

    Have a fun day.

  21. You have a knack for finding the sweetest things on your treasure hunting trips. These are all so cute and it's so kind of you to share them with us. Thanks.

  22. Twyla my favorite is the dogs, thanks for posting all of these my friend. I have saved them.

  23. I have actually seen the anniversary one before. I wish they made cards like they used too. The art of this kind of charm is gone by the wayside for sure.

  24. Thank you for sharing your cards with us. I like all of them and I enjoy checking to see what you are going to show us next. I enjoy every post and am so glad I found your blog.

  25. These vintage images are so adorable...
    Big Hugs,

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