Thursday, March 11, 2010

Friendly Greetings

Hello Everyone!

We hope that you are all having a happy day doing the things you enjoy and finding
inspiration to spur your creativity.

We share these images with you to use in your crafting or just to brighten your day!
Wishing you all much happiness!
Twyla and Lindsey


  1. Beautiful images! These will inspire me for sure! Hope you're having a wonderful night!

  2. The first picture you posted looks like a hankerchef....was it?

    I received four tubs of linens passed down through my family the other day and will soon be posting pictures and stories about the things I found. I need to iron them a bit and work with my mother on piecing together the stories. I know you will enjoy seeing some fo the things.

  3. Thank you for your greetings. The first card is so pretty. The sun is shining here today so it has inspired me to get out to the garden centre!
    Susie X

  4. Lovely images! thank you so much for sharing! I have lots of you images ferreted away to use!

  5. Hi Ladies,

    Great flower greeting card, thanks for sharing.


  6. How sweet and generous! Love the images and the hearts that share them:) Have a blessed day!

  7. Good morning, girls! Yes, that first card has a "hankie" look to it! So pretty! Thanks! ♥

  8. Kalimera!(goodmorning in Greek) I adore the second image.How sweet.Thanks for sharing!~~Becky

  9. Adorable cards! I love vintage cards but my collection is nothing like yours. You must have been collecting for a long time! So sweet! And loved the Little Red Riding Hood Barbie, and those coasters are so sweet. (I need to learn how to knit, or crochet or whatever it is that makes those sweeties!)

  10. Ah...It's a sweet little Betsey Clark image. She is darling and competes out there in the big world with Precious Moments. Wanted to let you know Lindsey, Barbie post today from the doll museum I went to on my blog!
    Greetings and love sent to you both.

  11. Such beautiful cards and words...thank you for sharing these with us! I hope you both are having a WONDERFUL day...and seeing some sunshine. Take care Maura

  12. Just wanted to let you two know that I was inspired by your Valentine Album and decided to make an Easter one. The pics are on my blog. Thanks so much for your wonderful ideas and tutorials.

  13. Hi ladies, I love the sweet friendship card. I am wishing you both a bright and happy day.

  14. That was such a sweet post! you have a bright and happy day too hugs, Jennifer

  15. Thanks girls you are so kind.

  16. Such cute cards. They are SO spring-like. We had snow two days ago and today had the windows open to let in the warm fresh air. Rain tomorrow.


  17. You know that I love your vintage cards and thank you for sharing. I loved your barbie post. I am trying to catch up on my blog reading tonight. I am a little behind. Take care.

  18. Oh my gosh! Your Betsey Clary illustrations have brought back memories. When I was a preteen, a little old lady gave me a huge can of fabric paints. One of the first things I painted was a blue denim jacket with a Betsey Clark cutie on the back.

  19. You gave me a smile! I love Betsey Clark cuties, and I hadn't seen any for along time.
    Have a great day, Mary

  20. Thanks for stopping by --it's good to see you.
    The Handler's daughter didn't care for all the public exposure and her son has passed away several year's ago.


  21. Hi Girls!
    Thanks for more beautiful greetings...and another Betsey Clark!
    Have a great day.


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