Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Barbie Wednesday

Hello Friends!  Today I wanted to share a few interesting Barbie facts!

More than 105 million yards of fabric have gone into making Barbie and her friends' fashions, making Mattel one the largest apparel manufacturers in the world.

The Midge and Allen doll was retired in 1966 and were not reintroduced until 1988!

Barbie has had 126 careers. The newest being a comuter engineer.

Mattel has officially anounced that Barbie and Ken have officially broken up again.

I hope you found these facts as interesting as I did!

Have a wonderful day, Lindsey


  1. I just LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe Barbie Wednesday!!! :) And I never knew that she had 126 careers, including being an astronaut!

    Happy Wednesday!

  2. Love it, I still Love Barbies, i wish my girls liked them.. My mom used to make the clothing for me, and i used old toliet paper rolls to make furniture-or egg cartons.. Love it.. TOo Cute..Your BLOG is adorable, I love the vintage prints..and your crafting ideas, and the fact you share. You two inspire me to go create..Love your BLOG..
    I will Follow you ladies.
    Karryann (Gracefully Vintage)

  3. Barbie and ken broke up again! omgosh, will they ever learn...great post Lindsey! have a super day...Hugs, Jennifer

  4. I loved playing Barbies we would play for hours and even at times we left our house set up to continue playing the next day.
    I am having a Easter Candy Cup Giveaway.
    Stop on by for a chance to win!
    Join the Fun

    Hugs, Diane

  5. Sweet Lindsey, Loved these Barbies and didn't know most of those facts. Thanks for sharing! Have a blessed day!

  6. Oh cool! I never knew that Barbie was an astronaut! ♥

  7. What? They didn't get married and have a passel of kids? What is this world coming to? (lol)

    Thanks for all the fun facts, Lindsey!
    Hugs to you and Twyla.

  8. Neat facts! And I see a few dresses that my older sisters had for their Barbie and Midge (so glad my Mom never gets rid of anything!).

  9. Like so many others I love Barbie Wednesday and yes I loved learning all you had to tell!

  10. As little as Barbie has worn thru the years, I'm surprised Mattel used that much fabric ;) I had that first Barbie and the fabulous round black patent leather zipper case. I remember when I first got her. I was really young so it must have impressed me a great deal. Course, I wish I still had the set. Happy Barbie Wednesday :)

  11. Barbie and Ken got married and had a large family..I don't know whom they are talking

    Cindy from Tx

  12. I always wanted a Barbie (or Tressie) but had a Cindy instead - just not the same thing at all!!!! Carol xoxox

    PS Was there ever a pregnant Barbie or one having a bad hair day!!!

  13. I went to the Barbie "Wonder Room" at Selfridges in London yesterday evening and took some pictures I will post on the blog for you soon!

    Victoria x

  14. Hi Lindsey! I made your Easter Egg tutorial. Darn I forgot the rick rack! Thank you so much for the cutest, easiest tuts ever! I made enough for a fireplace garland - too cute! Thanks again. Elizabeth

  15. No kidding! They're really not together anymore??? That's so sad! xoxo Paulette ;)

  16. I never had a Barbie but I did have something very similar called Cindy. I think she was the UK version of Barbie. I used to spend hours dressing her up!

  17. They broke up again? Somehow I just don't want that to happen. In a world where relationships fall apart, I want Barbie and Ken to make it! Three cheers for their success..beyond the fact they are multi-millionairs, you gotta have love sweet love. Barbie needs to calm down tee hee!

  18. I have a Barbie question! Do you have a Barbie from the mid 60's with platinum hair in a bubble cut? That is the one I had, my younger sister had the original Barbie in the black and white swimsuit with a blonde ponytail. I loved mine because she looked so modern, we also had the round black case with her picture and I think clothes on the front. Have a great Barbie day!!!

  19. Barbie and Ken broke up....oh no,now I am heart broken....not for the fun facts....blessings

  20. broken up ... again!? those kids. hope it didn't have something to do with one of those pesky bratz dolls! ;)


  21. I always thought Barbie was a cute doll. I never had girls but my sister had four and they all loved Barbie. She could not buy all the clothing, so she made a lot of them and did a beautiful job. Thanks for all those facts. Have a nice weekend.

  22. I'm sure glad they didn't retire Midge and Allen before me and my friends had them. So who did Barbie and Ken hang out with? I always hated getting stuck with Midge when we played. Maybe that's why they retired her. Everybody wanted to be Barbie. Have you ever heard of Mitzi? I had her before Barbie came to our town.

  23. You know...I never did own a Barbie until I was about 14 and it came from the neighbours little girls who felt sorry for me because I didn't have one! They gave me an old one of theres with some clothes...that was so sweet. I really don't know why I never got one or asked for one...guess I was too much of a Tom Boy. Oh daughters made up for it!! Have a great day...Friday! Maura

  24. This was fun, I still have a few of the barbie's you have shown. Wow.... that makes me feel


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